Originally posted by: Thomas Luther IBM announced IBM Copy Services Manager (CSM) 6.1 as the follow on product of TPC for Replication to be generally available on 11. Dec. 2015. For z Systems there is a separate offering, for distributed platforms the CSM license is bundled with IBM Spectrum...
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Originally posted by: Thomas Luther IBM has multiple years experience in centralized Storage Replication Management across multiple platforms through its software offering called Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication (TPC-R). TPC for Replication is available as part of IBM...
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Originally posted by: robhotch While user requirements for installing and running Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Storage Resource Agents, also known as TPC SRAs, are described in the TPC Installation Guide and the TPC 4.2 Release Guide, I am still often asked "what are the user...
Originally posted by: Woj Your storage capacity isn’t virtualized? Don’t worry you’re not alone. The concept of virtualization of IT resources is broadly understood, however the deployment and usage of virtualization isn’t as balanced across the datacenter. Virtualization of...
Originally posted by: dplantz Flash issued 7-17-2012 Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication This issue applies only to customers who have enabled HyperSwap on z/OS in a Metro Global Mirror session. see: http://ibm.co/Nwc3wZ #tpc ...
Originally posted by: Woj Every year I publish a set of predictions that I think will likely happen in the market space of storage and storage management. Here is my list for 2012.... 1) Storage breakthroughs nipping the “Digital Dark Age” in the bud Since the early 1990’s,...
Originally posted by: Paula Cross If you have IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center 3.x installed on your system, and want to upgrade to IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center versions 4.1 or 4.2 and later, you can use the new wizard to guide you through the process. The wizard...
Originally posted by: Tom Clark In my previous blog post, I discussed the role of the storage administrator in virtual server environments and whether they would continue to manage storage or largely cede their current role to the virtual server administrator. A related...