Setup remote file system access The procedure to set up remote file system access involves the generation and exchange of authorization keys between the two clusters. In addition, the administrator of the GPFS™ cluster that owns the file system needs to authorize the remote clusters that are...
by John Alvord, IBM Corporation Introduction ITM Communication Services has requirements. When the requirements are not met things break in strange and non-obvious ways. Most communication is via TCP Socket links. After setup these are used to implement Remote Procedure...
IBM Spectrum Scale is a clustered filesystem and like any other clustered systems highly depends on the well-being of the underlying network to operate efficiently. Any issue with the network would hamper the proper operation of the cluster and there by the applications running or clients...
Originally posted by: Achim-Christ By Achim Christ, Joerg Walter and Nils Haustein With the advent of high-performance Ethernet network technology, such as 10 GbE and 40 GbE, more and more performance critical workloads are being migrated to such Ethernet-based IP networks. While...
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When using SPSSINC TRANS, you have a wider array of functions to compute on cases in SPSS. Within the local session, you can create your own python functions within a BEGIN PROGRAM and END PROGRAM block. In SPSSINC TRANS you pass in the values in the current dataset, but you can also create...
This is a task I've have to conduct under several guises in the past. Given a set of edges, reduce those edges into unique subgroups based on the transitive closure of those edges. That is, find a group in which all nodes can reach one another (via however many steps are necessary) but are...
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Motivated by Rick Wicklin's raster based Christmas Tree in SAS , here I will show how to lay out a network Xmas tree in SPSS - XKCD network style. SPSS's GPL language has the ability to lay out different network diagrams given a list of edges and vertices. One of the layouts is a tree...
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The other day I showed how one could make an edge list in SPSS , which is needed to generate network graphs. Today, I will show how one can use an edge list in long format to identify neighbors for higher degree relationships. So to start, what do I mean by a neighbor of higher degree...
I have planned a series of posts on some data manipulation for network data. Here I am going to show how to go from either a list of network relations in long or wide format to a list of (non-redundant) edges in SPSS. So to start off lets define what I mean by long, wide and edge format. Long...
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