How often does your bank perform risk analysis on blockchain addresses? Our research shows banks encounter blockchain addresses often via their source of wealth process and fraud and investigations processes. Despite OFAC already listing over 650 blockchain addresses,...
Note: This article first appeared on the ABA Banking Journal website on September 11, 2024 A top official with the Securities and Exchange Commission this week outlined a scenario in which a bank would not be bound by the restrictions of the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin 121 ,...
In this episode, I speak with Guillermo Fernandez, CEO of Blockpliance, to discuss some future trends of blockchain beyond cryptocurrency. From debunking common blockchain misconceptions to exploring real-world use cases like embassy wires and digital identity, Guillermo’s insights are both eye...
Benford's Law is one of most intriguing properties within data science. Benford's Law states the first digit in a set of natural numbers is not evenly distributed. Instead, 30.1% of first digits begin with a one, 17.6% begin with a two, 12.5% begin with a three and so on. I created a SPSS...
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In preparing for a future blog post, I discovered a chart visualization that summarizes nicely the difference between Bitcoin in 2017 versus so far in 2018. This chart shows Bitcoin's volume vs the daily close (last transaction of the day) price in USD. Notice the strong positive slope...
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One of my peer offering managers recently tweeted about a nice tutorial of pulling crypto currency statistics. As a fan of Bitcoin, Etherium, and the other cryptos, I decided to pull the dataset into SPSS Statistics 25 to explore the data myself. In doing so, I used some of the new ...