Turbonomic Latest Releases & Downloads Find the latest Turbonomic updates, release notes, and user guides for the next-generation Turbonomic platform here. Please review the license agreement and click on the New Install or Update button below to download the OVA or VHD...
Automation Workflow specifies whether Turbonomic will execute an action, or whether Turbonomic will automate external workflows to effect the change in your environment. Apart from controlling the execution, automation workflows also allow actions to seek external approval from...
IBM Turbonomic Automation Workflows - Quick overview and value.mp4
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IBM Turbonomic has recently introduced the capability to define GPU models as "Move Enabled." This enables VMs that utilize these specified GPU models in vCenter (VC) to be seamlessly relocated using MOVE actions, without causing any disruptions. Background In today's technology...
Podcasters : @Joseph Sforza @Gregg Minichiello Summary Setting the agenda for a Podcast series focussed on addressing some of the key issues, which the Podcasters called as IT. Joe & Gregg does have their own definition of what IT is and what is the #1 challenge of IT. And their...
This article covers how Organizations with a sustainability initiative can have an instant impact in their IT Operations by leveraging IBM Turbonomic with IBM Envizi ESG Suite. Authors Mamatha Venkatesh , Jeya Gandhi Rajan M Green IT Over the last decade, investor pressure,...
¿Por qué es importante Turbonomic? Porque ayuda a las empresas a resolver problemas reales. Puede conocer experiencias de usuarios reales con reseñas de usuarios disponibles públicamente. Lo hemos resumido en esta infografía. link para los reviews en G2 #Turbonomic
G2 IBM Turbonomic Infographic_ Spring 2023.PDF
はじめに 今回は、TurbonomicとServiceNowの具体的な連携についてご紹介いたします。 Turbonomicは単体でももちろんご利用いただけますが、ServiceNowとの連携によってどのような運用が実現できるのか、その手順なども含めてご紹介させていただきます。 なぜServiceNowの様なITSM(ITサービスマネジメント)ツールとの連携が便利か? まず、連携に入る前の前提として、Turbonomicのリソース推奨アクションは、以下の3つのモードで構成できます。 推奨モード:...
#communitychat #recordingavailable #Turbonomic
Recording - Understanding Turbonomic APIs for external integrations.mp4
IBM Turbonomic IBM Turbonomic is a top - down, application - driven approach that continuously analyzes applications' resource needs and generates fully automatable actions to ensure applications always get what they need to perform. It runs 24/7/365 and scales with the...