From Training to Model Serving with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science - Part 3 Kubeflow PytorchJob and Triton Inference Server Introduction In Part 1 , we saw how to train a model using CodeFlare and Ray cluster with multiple pods using GPUs. In Part 2 , we saw how to use the Multi...
From Training to Model Serving with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science - Part 1 IMDB Sentiment Analysis with Huggingface Introduction Red Hat OpenShift Data Science (RHODS) is a machine-learning-as-a-service platform built on Red Hat's Kubernetes-based OpenShift Container Platform, Ceph Object...
IBM Data Science Virtual Community Day: Deploy AI What is it? Why are we doing it? What should you expect? Upcoming on March 10th is the IBM Data Science Community's virtual conference . It's a virtual event where external thought leaders, IBM experts, and researchers will teach you how...
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by Paco Nathan and Will Roberts AutoML is a term that appears increasingly in tech industry articles and vendor product claims, and is also a hot topic within AI research in academia. Consider how nearly all of the public cloud vendors promote some form of AutoML service. The tech ...
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“Graphs are a basic kind of data representation used in data science.” I recall writing that line on a whiteboard a few years ago during a course, to see what responses it might draw. I heard back a few “Well, is that really true?” remarks. By “graphs”, I don’t mean the sense of “graphics” and ...