Recently I was tasked with evaluating a tool used to predict violence. I initially created some code to plot ROC curves in SPSS for multiple classifiers, but then discovered that the ROC command did everything I wanted. Some recommend precision-recall curves in place of ROC curves, especially...
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One common task I undertake in is to make time series graphs of crime counts, often over months or shorter time periods. Here is some example data to illustrate, a set of 20 crimes with a particular date in 2013. *Make some fake data. SET SEED 10. INPUT PROGRAM. LOOP #i = 1 TO 20. COMPUTE #R...
After reading Elliptical Insights: Understanding Statistical Methods through Elliptical Geometry (Friendly, Monette & Fox 2013) I was interested in trying ellipses out for viz. multi-level data. Note there is an add-on utility for SPSS to draw ellipses in R graphics ( ScatterWEllipse.spd...
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Going through the documentation and downloading data from the Census is quite a chore. Here I am going to give some example SPSS functions I have created for working with the plain text 5 year summary files available from the Census's FTP site . I mainly use this for mapping purposes, in...
When running commands in SPSS, it routes summaries and output of particular functions to the active Output document. This is very nice for statistical reporting of various tables, like crosstabs or frequencies or nested regression models. This however is not so nice in some circumstances in...
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The other day on NABBLE an individual asked for displaying histograms with unequal bar widths . I showed there if you have the fences (and the height of the bar) you can draw the polygons in inline GPL using a polygon element and the link.hull option for edges. I used a similar trick for ...
The other day I showed how one could make an edge list in SPSS , which is needed to generate network graphs. Today, I will show how one can use an edge list in long format to identify neighbors for higher degree relationships. So to start, what do I mean by a neighbor of higher degree...
MACROS in SPSS are ways to make custom functions. They can either accomplish very simple tasks, as I illustrate here, or can wrap up large blocks of code. If you pay attention to many of my SPSS blog posts, or the NABBLE SPSS forum you will see a variety of examples of their use. They aren't...
I've made a macro to estimate restricted cubic spline (RCS) basis in SPSS. Splines are useful tools to model non-linear relationships. Splines are useful exploratory tools to model non-linear relationships by transforming the independent variables in multiple regression equations. See Durrleman...
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Here is just a quick example of making calendar heatmaps in SPSS. My motivation can be seen from similar examples of calendar heatmaps in R and SAS (I'm sure others exist as well). Below is an example taken from this Revo R blog post . The code involves a macro that can take a...