Through typical use cases, live demonstrations and application workloads, this video series will show you how to leverage data visualization and AI in mainframe operations. It will also show you how to use IBM’s integrated cross-platform solutions to implement both mainframe and distributed...
This video showcases the business value and technical feasibility of the mainframe AIOps use case for design and development working together. The solutions and technical tools in this use case enable you to autonomously build visual dashboards and AI models. #AIOps #ITOperations ...
This demo illustrates how an AIOps solution can visualize CICS transaction performance data and quickly diagnose and locate the root cause of CICS transaction response time anomalies. #AIandAnalytics #AIOps #CICS #IBMZ #IBMZOS #ITOperations
By Rama Akkiraju, IBM Fellow, CTO AIOps, Xiaotong Liu, Senior Data Scientist, Manager, AIOps Collaborators Mudhakar Srivatsa, Amitkumar Paradkar, Prateeti Mohapatra, Jae-Wook Ahn, Sarasi Lalithsena, Meenakshi Madugula, Neil Boyette, Jiayun Zhao, Gargi Dasgupta, Karan Karuppiah, and Rakesh...
IBM MQ for z/OS, 9.2.4 was released on 18 th November 2021 through the service stream and IBM OMEGAMON has it covered. IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS, V7.5.0 continues to deliver exceptional monitoring capabilities for IBM Integration Bus and IBM MQ for z/OS, including the newly...
Welcome to the latest edition of the IBM Z® Software newsletter for IT operations, systems management, and administrators. This month's newsletter is packed full of our latest updates including product announcements, tutorials and much more. #IBMZ #ITOperations #AIOps #Systemsmanagement
IBM Z Software Newsletter - Operations edition (June 2021).pdf
IBM Cloud Tape Connector for z/OSは、データ形式によらない全てのz/OSデータをクラウド・ストレージ・サービスへ保管可能にするソリューションで、国内でも徐々に実装実績が増えてきています。 このたびアークシステム様による実装事例に基づく貴重な技術情報が、以下のブログにてご紹介されています。 次世代のz/OSのストレージとしてクラウド・サービスをご検討の際に、是非ご一読・ご参考にしてください。 アークシステム様 そるでぶろぐ「メインフレーム上のデータをクラウドへ!IBM Cloud Tape Connector for z/OS って一体何?」 ...
On April 28, 2020, IBM announced IBM ® Z Tivoli ® Management Services for z/OS, V6.3.1, which introduces the new IBM ® Z Service Management Explorer for z/OS. This new offering is the strategic graphical user experience for IBM ® Z subject matter experts. It is intended not only to...
Exciting news - IBM CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS®, V5.6 has been released on 12 th June 2020 and we have it covered. In continued collaboration with our IBM family, we are pleased to announce IBM CICS ® Transaction Server for z/OS ® , V5.6 Day one support with IBM® Z OMEGAMON® for...
APIS IT社様では、IBM Z Operations Analyticsを利用して、ハイブリッドクラウドの可視化とプロアクティブな障害検知を実現しています。メインフレームと分散環境を同じ手法で統合管理する運用体制とすることで、分散担当者のメインフレームに対する抵抗もなくなり、開発ワークロードを向上させました。 こちら に事例情報文書を公開いたします。