This article is intended to give you some best practice guidance around what to do and watch for in the TBM Studio Transform Pipeline. General Formulas Join Transforms Filtering Your View Append Unpivot Date Partition Group Filter Hide and Rename ...
Working with my customers I have got the same question multiple times. "How can we present savings we managed to get using various discounted usage types?" In case of AWS the answer to this question is very simple. We need to create custom Business Metric that will calculate these savings. ...
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Calculating the number of working days and/or working hours in a month can be accomplished relatively easily with the use of the Elapsed function. The basic function of Elapsed is to calculate the number of seconds between two dates/times. However, the function also has some optional argument...
Cross-project lookups are a way to access the data sets of a project from within a different project on the same instance. The online help for Apptio Studio contains detailed information for common use cases. First, navigate to Studio Guide > Formulas and Functions > Syntax for...
Highly condensed list of Apptio functions (with syntax and examples) to use in your data table column formulas, advanced model allocation formulas, or report table and chart formulas. Keep a copy handy when configuring your data, model, and reports. #Cost Transparency R11.x on TBM Studio...
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