2024 年 6 月 4 日に開催された「 Liberty Dojo 2024 」セミナー第 1 回の資料です。 本セッションの内容 〜いまからでも遅くない!LibertyでエンタープライズJavaのモダナイズ〜 業務システムを Java で実装されている方に向け,エンタープライズ Java の現状について, Java をつかった IT システムのモダナイズの課題についてとりあげます。 そのなかで OSS として提供される Open Liberty , IBM の製品である WebSphere Liberty が,どのような強みをもつのか。いかに既存の Java EE...
2024年5月16日に開催された「WebSphere Liberty最新情報」セミナー資料です。 #WebSphereLiberty #CI/CD
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In the software industry, manual testing is heavily utilized. As of today, manual testing will not be eliminated completely. Teams utilize manual testing for complex test scenarios, the initial setup for automation scripts when the application isn’t stable and when automation is deemed as...
We are celebrating a stronger Partnership with HCL Software. This partnership with HCL provides Rational Test with the latest technologies, growing roadmaps, continuous integrations with DevOps tools and an outstanding client advocacy program. On September 15, 2022, we announced and...
The ODM and DevOps Series Article 3 – Building and testing ODM Decision Artifacts when they are stored in Decision Center This article in the third of the ODM and DevOps series, and will discuss how to compile and test decision artifacts when the choice has been made to stored them in...
The ODM and DevOps Series Article 2 – Building ODM decision artifacts when they are stored in Source Code Control This article in the second of the ODM and DevOps series, and will discuss how to compile decision artifacts when the choice has been made to store them in a source code...
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The ODM and DevOps Series Article 4 – Deployment, promotion and traceability This article in the fourth of the ODM and DevOps series, and will discuss how to deploy generated Rule Apps, promote them from one environment to another, and ensure the traceability of the deployment. It...
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