Rob Henley Published on November 6, 2014 / Updated on June 8, 2016 This post outlines one way of using F# in IBM Integration Bus (IIB). F# gives you another option for writing intuitive and maintainable code for message processing. What is F# ? F# is a .NET...
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IBM Hybrid Integration ID team Published on December 15, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 Do you know how to modify graphically some of the elements in a complex element without having to map all of the elements? In IBM Integration Bus, the Graphical Data Mapping...
IBM Hybrid Integration ID team Published on November 19, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 #IntegrationBus(IIB) #MQSI #GDM #WMB
KirstineClapperton Published on October 21, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 In z/OS V2R1, Language Environment (LE) introduced optimization changes to the dynamic cast call that allowed the possibility of an incorrect return value. After upgrading z/OS to V2R1, you...
Paul Thorpe Published on August 8, 2014 / Updated on June 8, 2016 It is recommended that you enable message validation in your WebSphere Message Broker v8 or IBM Integration Bus v9 message flows when you use Mapping nodes. What is message validation? Validation...
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Guy Whitehouse and Kevin McEwen . Published on July 24, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully. In IBM...
Guy Whitehouse and Kevin McEwen. Published on July 24, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully. In IBM Integration Bus v10...
Published on August 8, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 A submap is a reusable graphical data map. Graphical data maps, known as message maps in IBM Integration Bus or WebSphere Message Broker, offer the ability to achieve the transformation of a message without the need to...
Guy Whitehouse and Kevin McEwan Published on July 24, 2014 / Updated on March 22, 2016 Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully. In IBM...
Karen Brent Published on October 4, 2013 If you used WebSphere Message Broker Version 7, you might be familiar with the concept of a message flow project (known as a Message Broker project in V8) as a container for the message flows and other resources that contribute to a solution. ...