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 How to post data using python to the REST API and get that data show in a Dashboard

  • Custom Dashboards
Venkata Narapureddy's profile image
Venkata Narapureddy posted Thu January 30, 2025 05:55 AM

I am looking to post some results data using the python code through the Instana REST API, and then this data I want to showcase in custom Dashboard.

so, is there a way that I can post results data directly to Instana dashboard or I need to use any database (influxDB or Prometheus) to store my data and then get that into Instana Dashboard.

Kindly please provide your thoughts on this, appreciate your suggestions :)


Christian Kam's profile image
Christian Kam

Hi Venkata:

I wrote a Python script to send metrics through the StatsD sensor in the agent.

In Python, we use the socket module because this module provides an interface for working with network communication (to communicate using protocols like TCP or UDP).   

Review the Monitoring StatsD documentation:

Then, you will access the custom metric from the custom dashboard.

