Webinar: Introduction to Liberty InstantOn on IBM Power with OpenShift Container Platform 4.14

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When:  Apr 23, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM (ET)


"Instant On" for applications is highly desirable in today's cloud and server-less environments where applications should scale to zero when not in use and then create new instances immediately to handle the increased load.

Join Vijay Sundaresan and Younes Manton as they explore the future of InstantOn for Java applications using Checkpoint/Restore in user-space (CRIU), a feature on Linux that enables you to take a snapshot of a running process. They will also demo this approach through live coding using Open Liberty (and Eclipse OpenJ9) in a container image that was recently released on the Power platform.

During this informative 1-hour webinar, IBM experts will cover topics such as:

  • Introduction to Liberty InstantOn on Power
  • Key uses cases
  • Demo on Power

Key speakers

Vijay Sundaresan - IBM STSM, Java and Liberty Performance Architect, IBM

Younes Manton - Developer for Java on Power, IBM

Julian Wang - Lead developer for Java on Power, IBM

Kishor Patil - Manager, Java on Power, IBM
