Containers, Kubernetes, OpenShift on Power

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  • 1.  Error during OpenShift Installation in Power 9 Server

    Posted 14 days ago


    I'm reaching out for assistance with an issue I encountered during the installation of a 3-node OpenShift 4.17.11 cluster on an IBM Power 9 Server.

    The installation process seems to proceed normally up to the Finalizing Stage, but then it takes an unusually long time and eventually fails, resulting in an error. I attempted a fresh reinstallation, but the issue persists, ending with the same outcome.
    Below is the screenshot of cluster events

    Anup Regmi

  • 2.  RE: Error during OpenShift Installation in Power 9 Server

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hey Anup, I think you have a problem with a load balancer. I don't think you have everything setup. Authentication and Console depend on the ingress being fully setup. If you have more information on these `oc get co ingress` - it should help tell us what is going on. Thanks, Paul

    Senior Software Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Error during OpenShift Installation in Power 9 Server

    Posted 13 days ago
    Edited by Anup Regmi 13 days ago

    Hi Paul, Thanks for your response.

    Looks like that is the issue, I was installing using assisted installation and thought RedHat will take care of those things.
    Below is the status and cause of failure:

    The "default" ingress controller reports Degraded=True: DegradedConditions: One or more other status conditions indicate a degraded state: CanaryChecksSucceeding=False (CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures: Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing. Last 2 error messages:
          error sending canary HTTP Request: Timeout: Get "https://canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps.ppcocp.thakralone.lab": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
          error sending canary HTTP request: DNS error: Get "https://canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps.ppcocp.thakralone.lab": dial tcp: lookup canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps.ppcocp.thakralone.lab on no such host (x5932 over 98h52m4s))

    While checking status of the route mentioned above, got responses as below:

    #oc get route canary -n openshift-ingress-canary
    NAME     HOST/PORT                                                    PATH   SERVICES         PORT   TERMINATION            WILDCARD
    canary   canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps.ppcocp.thakralone.lab          ingress-canary   8443   passthrough/Redirect   None
    #oc get svc -n openshift-ingress-canary
    NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
    ingress-canary   ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP,8888/TCP   6d19h
    #oc get endpoints ingress-canary -n openshift-ingress-canary
    NAME             ENDPOINTS                                                       AGE
    ingress-canary,, + 3 more...   6d19h
    Also, looking at openshift-dns seems all required pods are running.

    Can you guide on how we can fix this error?

    Anup Regmi


  • 4.  RE: Error during OpenShift Installation in Power 9 Server

    Posted 13 days ago
    Hi Anup,

    The OpenShift on Power team built the automation

    Let us know if you have questions after consulting the setup.

    Thank you


    Senior Software Engineer

  • 5.  RE: Error during OpenShift Installation in Power 9 Server

    Posted 13 days ago

    Hi Anup,

    The Assisted install for power does not support Cluster managed network, only User Managed network works, so the bastion is required to be setup for OCP installation. Have you do that before installation with Assisted installer? Also what power env do you use, HMC only or PowerVC?  You can reference the doc Paul referenced above for bastion setup.


    C. Zhang


  • 6.  RE: Error during OpenShift Installation in Power 9 Server

    Posted 8 days ago


    I have HMC only environment, I will try installing as per Paul's suggestion. Hope SNO is supported as well.

    Thanks for your response.

    Anup Regmi