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Connect .NET C# application to EDB PostgreSQL database on IBM Power

By Vikas Gupta posted Thu April 06, 2023 10:11 AM


Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Over the past few months, we have been actively publishing technical blogs in the .NET on IBM Power resources domain. In response to numerous requests from our readers, we are excited to provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide for installing EDB PostgreSQL on Linux on Power. Additionally, we will demonstrate how to create a sample C# program that connects to the EDB PostgreSQL server and performs basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. So, let's dive in and get started with the installation process!


Like we always love to say, first things first! Before you begin, check if you have the following infrastructure up and running:

For this blog, I installed the EDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server V14 on a Power VM with RHEL 8.7, however the steps here should also work without issues on RHEL 9. Perform the following steps on IBM Power VM to complete this activity.

Install the following packages.

$ yum install tar perl libxslt boost-date-time boost-filesystem boost-regex boost-system boost-thread boost-atomic boost-chrono lz4  tcl -y

Set up the EDB PostgreSQL database engine

  1. Install EDB PostgreSQL on the Power VM by entering the following RPM commands into the terminal:

    # Install EDBPostgreSQL packages
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as12-server-libs-12.11.15-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-libs-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-client-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-contrib-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-libicu66-66.1-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-core-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-pgagent-4.2.2-2.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-parallel-clone-1.9-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-plperl-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-cloneschema-1.16-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-devel-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-docs-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-indexadvisor-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-pldebugger-1.1-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-plpython3-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-sqlprofiler-4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-sqlprotect-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-sslutils-1.3-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-pltcl-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
    $ rpm -ivh edb-as14-server-14.4.0-1.rhel8.ppc64le.rpm
  2. Start the EDB PostgreSQL server, using the following commands:

    # Intialize and Start EDBPostgreSQL Server
    $ PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS="-E UTF-8" /usr/edb/as14/bin/edb-as-14-setup initdb
    $ systemctl start edb-as-14
    # Check the status of the "EDBPostgres Server" to verify it is running.
    $ systemctl status edb-as-14
  3. Configure the authentication method for the EDB PostgreSQL server, using these steps:

    1. Open the ‘/var/lib/edb/as14/data/pg_hba.conf’ file in a vi editor.
    2. Search for the following lines:

      host all all md5

      host all all ::1/128 md5

    3. Change the authentication method for both lines to md5.
    4. Save the changes and close the editor.
  4. Restart the EDB Postgres service to apply the recent changes, by running the following command:

    $ systemctl reload edb-as-14
  5. Modify the password of 'enterprisedb' user.
    su - enterprisedb
    psql -U enterprisedb -d postgres
    postgres=# ALTER USER enterprisedb WITH PASSWORD '<some password>';
    ALTER ROLE        # output of above ALTER USER command
    # Exit from psql command prompt which will switch back to enterprisedb user
    postgres=# quit
    # Exit from enterprisedb user which will switch back to root user

Create a database schema

To create a database schema, follow these steps:

  1. Switch to the enterprisedb user, using the following command:

    $ su – enterprisedb

    Note that the default user type is enterprisedb.

  2. Verify that you have successfully switched to the enterprisedb user by checking the output of previous command. It should display the current time stamp.

    $ su - enterprisedb
    Last login: Fri Feb 17 04:02:31 EST 2023 on pts/1
  3. Create the ‘blogs.sql’ file at ‘/home’ location with the following contents. This will ensure that the ‘enterprisedb’ user has create/access permissions to the ‘/home’ directory.

    CREATE DATABASE test_db;
    \c test_db;
    CREATE TABLE Blogs (
        Name VARCHAR (200) NULL,
        Url  VARCHAR (200) NULL,
    CREATE TABLE Posts (
        Title VARCHAR (200) NULL,
        Content TEXT NULL,
        BlogId INT NOT NULL,
  4. Run the following commands to clear the ‘test_db’ if it already exists and then create the database schema.

    psql -c "DROP DATABASE test_db" -U enterprisedb -d postgres
    psql -f ./blogs.sql -d postgres

    Note: ‘-d postgres’ is another database as we cannot perform a query on the same database.

  5. Exit the ‘enterprisedb’ user by using the following command:


    This will switch you back to the root user.

Install .NET

  1. Install .NET by entering the following command in the terminal:

    $ yum install dotnet-sdk-7.0
  2. Verify the installation by using the dotnet –info command. Upon successful installation the following output displays:

    $ dotnet --info
    .NET SDK:
     Version:   7.0.102
     Commit:    4bbdd14480
    Runtime Environment:
     OS Name:     rhel
     OS Version:  8
     OS Platform: Linux
     RID:         rhel.8-ppc64le
     Base Path:   /usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk/7.0.102/
      Version:      7.0.2
      Architecture: ppc64le
      Commit:       d037e070eb
    .NET SDKs installed:
      7.0.102 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk]
    .NET runtimes installed:
      Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 7.0.2 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
      Microsoft.NETCore.App 7.0.2 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]
    Other architectures found:
    Environment variables:
      DOTNET_ROOT       [/usr/lib64/dotnet]
    global.json file:
      Not found

For more information, refer to the following:

Create a C# application to access EDB PostgreSQL

  1. Create a sample .NET console application using the following command:

    $ dotnet new console -o EDBPostgreSQL

    Note: I created the sample application with name “EDBPostgreSQL”.

  2. Change the directory to ‘EDBPostgreSQL’ using the following command:

    $ cd EDBPostgreSQL
  3. Create the ‘Model.cs’ file using the following contents. It includes all the models that are required in the program.

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    public class BloggingContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<Blog> blogs { get; set; }
        public DbSet<Post> posts { get; set; }
        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
            => optionsBuilder.UseNpgsql("host=localhost:5444;database=test_db;username=enterprisedb;password=Dotnet123;");
        //protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        //    => optionsBuilder.UseNpgsql("host=localhost;database=test_db;user id=enterprisedb;password=Dotnet@70;");
    public class Blog
        public int blogid { get; set; }
        public string url { get; set; }
        public List<Post> Posts { get; set; }
    public class Post
        public int postid { get; set; }
        public string title { get; set; }
        public string content { get; set; }
        public int blogid { get; set; }
        public Blog Blog { get; set; }
  4. Your project directory should contain a ‘Program.cs’ file by default. Open the file and paste the following code into it, then save and close the file. This code connects to the EDB PostgreSQL Server and performs the following actions: Creates a table, inserts/updates/deletes data, and reads the data.

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    public class Program
            public static void DumpDatabaseSnapshot(BloggingContext db)
                    // Read
                    Console.WriteLine("\nDumping database snapshot...");
                    var blogs = db.blogs
                            .OrderBy(b => b.blogid)
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of records = {0}", blogs.Count);
                    foreach(Blog b in blogs)
                            Console.WriteLine("BlogId = {0}, Url = {1}", b.blogid, b.url);
                            if (b.Posts != null)
                                    foreach(Post p in b.Posts)
                                            Console.WriteLine("----->PostId = {0}, Title = {1}, Content = {2}", p.postid, p.title, p.content);
            public static void Main(String[] args)
                    using var db = new BloggingContext();
                    // Create
                    Console.WriteLine("Inserting a new blog");
                    db.Add(new Blog { url = "" });
                    var blog = db.blogs
                            .OrderBy(b => b.blogid)
                    // Update
                    Console.WriteLine("Updating the blog and adding a post, blogid = {0}", blog.blogid);
                    blog.url = "";
                    blog.Posts = new List<Post>();
                    new Post { title = "Hello World", content = "I wrote an app using EF Core!" });
                    // Delete
                    Console.WriteLine("Delete the blog");
  5. Add the Entity Framework (EF) Core Npgsql package to the C# project file. This database provider allows EF Core to be used with EDB PostgreSQL database.

    dotnet add package Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL -v 7.0.0

    After the above commands are run, the contents of the EDBPostgreSQL.csproj file should look as follows:

    # cat EDBPostgreSQL.csproj
    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <PackageReference Include="Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL" Version="7.0.0" />
  6. Run the dotnet build command to build your sample application. You should see the output displayed as follows.

    $ dotnet build
    MSBuild version 17.4.1+9a89d02ff for .NET
      Determining projects to restore...
      All projects are up-to-date for restore.
      EDBPostgreSQL -> /root/vikas/EDBPostgreSQL/bin/Debug/net7.0/EDBPostgreSQL.dll
    Build succeeded.
        0 Warning(s)
    0	Error(s)
  7. Run the dotnet run command to verify your sample application. You should see the output displayed as follows.

    $ dotnet run
    Inserting a new blog
    Dumping database snapshot...
    Number of records = 1
    BlogId = 4, Url =
    Updating the blog and adding a post, blogid = 4
    Dumping database snapshot...
    Number of records = 1
    BlogId = 4, Url =
    ----->PostId = 4, Title = Hello World, Content = I wrote an app using EF Core!
    Delete the blog
    Dumping database snapshot...
    Number of records = 0


To summarize, this blog has covered the installation of EDB PostgreSQL on a Power VM running RHEL. Additionally, we have shown you how to create a C# application that connects to the EDB PostgreSQL server and performs CRUD operations. We encourage readers to experiment with the platform's various capabilities and use cases to improve their development skills. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below. We hope this guide has been helpful in your journey towards working with EDB PostgreSQL and C#.

