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How Rocket Software and IBM Power10 bring Generative AI into production

By ROSS PERRY posted Wed April 17, 2024 01:22 PM


There is a LOT of buzz right now regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular, generative AI. Generative AI refers to deep-learning models that can generate high-quality text, images, and other content based on the data they were trained on. Generative AI is IBM Power10's sweet spot for AI. Unique acceleration capabilities, a flexible orchestration, and safeguarding mechanisms all make AI reality in mission-critical contexts, acknowledging typical enterprise requirements and the need to effectively manage costs and ROI of AI solutions.

We’ve optimized IBM Power for the most common AI libraries made available by IBM’s AI/ML partner Rocket Software via RocketCE, which will continue to support AI applications to capitalize on Power10’s innovation. IBM Power provides freely available open-source AI capabilities with optional enterprise support. Open-source AI solutions are provided through RocketCE and Rocket AI Hub for IBM Power.

RocketCE for IBM Power is a set of AI and data science packages built and supported for the IBM Power architecture. Packages include best-of-breed open-source AI tools that are Power10-optimized, leveraging Power10’s on-chip acceleration and are available via Rocket Software’s public Anaconda channel (

Rocket AI Hub for IBM Power is an integrated and freely available set of best-of-breed open-source AI platform tools optimized for IBM Power such as:



                     Kubeflow Pipelines



As a platform approach, all tools are delivered as container images that are operated within Kubernetes-based environments such as Red Hat OpenShift. All tools are integrated via Kubeflow, are optimized to leverage unique AI hardware capabilities of the IBM Power platform, and optional commercial support is available.

Given the interest in generative AI, I encourage you to join us on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, when IBM’s Dr. Sebastian Lehrig, WW AI on IBM Power Leader, and Tim Hill, VP Engineering & DE at Rocket Software will host a webinar to discuss how Rocket Software has enabled more than 300 open-source software packages and tools to:

                     Benefit from IBM Power10 on-chip acceleration

                     Run natively on Linux or on top of Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power

                     Establish enterprise-grade support options

                     Run in production at multiple client sites

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