DevSecOps and Automation on Power

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Move2Kube on Power

By Prajyot Parab posted Wed November 09, 2022 05:32 AM


Move2Kube is a command-line tool that accelerates the process of re-platforming to Kubernetes/Openshift. It does so by analyzing the environment and source artifacts, and asking guidance from the user when required. It allows customizations to enable generating the directory structure and artifacts in the format required for your project.

Kubernetes is used by many users on IBM Power platform and it would be great if users can take advantage of Move2Kube tool features on ppc64le architecture as well. In this blog, we will see how we can get started with Move2Kube on Power by transforming and deploying a simple application.

Install Move2Kube on Power

  1. Install Move2Kube
    MOVE2KUBE_TAG='v0.3.5' bash <(curl

Transform application using Move2Kube

  1. Use sample docker-compose.yaml file or your own
    wget -P sample-app/docker-compose/
    Note - Incase of your own file, ensure that it is properly formatted before performing transformation operation.
  2. Run the transformation
    cd sample-app/
    move2kube transform -s docker-compose
    NoteDuring transformation Move2Kube will ask us several questions to help guide the transformation process. For all questions we will go with the default answers by pressing Enter for each question.

Deploy application on Kubernetes

  1. Create the resources
    kubectl apply -f myproject/deploy/yamls​/
  2. Validate the resource response
    kubectl exec <POD-NAME> -- curl http://<SVC-CLUSTER-IP>:8080
