🚀 Exciting News for Developers! .NET 9.0 Now Available on IBM Power with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift 🖥️
Just demonstrated the seamless installation of .NET 9.0 on IBM Power ppc64le architecture.
Key Highlights:
• Installation of .NET 9.0 SDK using DNF package manager
• .NET versions (7, 8, and 9) now available on IBM Power ppc64le
• Running .NET 9.0 container image using Podman
• Confirming version compatibility
✨ New features in .NET 9
• The software development kit (SDK) supports using the latest C# (C# 13) and F# (F# 9) versions.
• The SDK now uses the new terminal logger by default which improves the usability of the .NET command-line interface.
• The base library, garbage collection (GC), and just-in-time (JIT) have seen many performance improvements. The GC now defaults to the dynamic adaption to application sizes (DATAS) mode which resizes the heap based on the active workload.
• .NET 9 comes with many API additions that improve performance, like overloads using the new C# 13 params Span, and allow C# 13 generic ref struct parameters to eliminate allocations. .NET 9 also includes many enhancements to its JSON support. For interoperability and efficient operations on AI data, .NET provides a new Tensor<T> type.
• ASP.NET Core 9 comes with built-in support for OpenAPI document generation. Additionally, the new MapStaticAssets middleware provides optimized support for delivering static assets.
Whether you're working on enterprise applications, AI projects, or cutting-edge web services, .NET 9.0 brings powerful tools to developers.
Thanks to Tom Deseyn for sharing information via the Red Hat blog.
How to install .NET 9
You can install .NET 9 on RHEL with the usual command:
dnf install dotnet-sdk-9.0
The .NET 9 SDK and runtime container images are available from the Red Hat Container Registry. You can use the container images as standalone images and with OpenShift on all supported architectures:
podman run --rm registry.redhat.io/ubi8/dotnet-90 dotnet --version
Standard-term support for .NET 9
The .NET 9 release provides standard-term support for 18 months. Support will be available until May 2026.
Based on the .NET release schedule, the next version, .NET 10, will be a long-term support release. The release target date is November 2025, and it will provide three years of support.
The existing .NET 6 and .NET 8 releases provide support until November 12th, 2024 and November 10th 2026, respectively.
Additional support life cycle details are available on the .NET Life Cycle page.
Find more .NET on Power information at my website HERE
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