Containers, Kubernetes, OpenShift on Power

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Multi-Arch Compute: Setting up an IBM PowerVS Workspace to a IBM Cloud VPC

By PAUL BASTIDE posted Fri January 26, 2024 12:54 PM


As part of the Red Hat OpenShift Multi-Arch Compute effort, I've been working on Power and Intel Compute architecture pairs:

  1. Intel Control Plane with Power and Intel Compute
  2. Power Control Plane with Power and Intel Compute

This article helps setup an IBM Cloud VPC with IBM Power Virtual Server, you can follow this recipe:

  1. Install ibmcloud cli curl -fsSL | sh

  2. Install the Power IAAS, Transit Gateway, Cloud Internet Services, and Infrastructure Service plugins ibmcloud plugin install power-iaas tg-cli vpc-infrastructure cis

  3. Login to ibmcloud cli ibmcloud login --apikey API_KEY -r us-east

  4. List the datacenters ibmcloud pi datacenters in our case we want wdc06

  5. List the resource group id ❯ ibmcloud resource group dev-resource-group

❯ ibmcloud resource group dev-resource-group
Retrieving resource group dev-resource-group under account 555555555555555 as

Name:                     dev-resource-group
Account ID:               555555555555555
ID:                       44444444444444444
Default Resource Group:   false
State:                    ACTIVE
  1. Create a Workspace on a Power Edge Router enabled PowerVS zone. ibmcloud pi workspace-create rdr-mac-p2-wdc06 --datacenter wdc06 --group 44444444444444444 --plan public
❯ ibmcloud pi workspace create rdr-mac-p2-wdc06 --datacenter wdc06 --group 44444444444444444 --plan public
Creating workspace rdr-mac-p2-wdc06...

Name       rdr-mac-p2-wdc06
Plan ID    f165dd34-3a40-423b-9d95-e90a23f724dd
  1. Get the ID (2nd in response)
❯ ibmcloud pi workspaces ls 2>&1 | grep rdr-mac-p2-wdc06
crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:wdc06:a/555555555555555:7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111::     7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111   rdr-mac-p2-wdc06
  1. Get the workspace, and check if it's status is active
❯ ibmcloud pi workspace get 7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111 --json
    "capabilities": {
        "cloud-connections": false,
        "power-edge-router": true,
        "power-vpn-connections": false,
        "transit-gateway-connection": false
    "details": {
        "creationDate": "2024-01-24T20:52:59.178Z",
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:wdc06:a/555555555555555:7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111::",
        "powerEdgeRouter": {
            "state": "active",
            "type": "automated"
    "id": "7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111",
    "location": {
        "region": "wdc06",
        "type": "data-center",
        "url": ""
    "name": "rdr-mac-p2-wdc06",
    "status": "active",
    "type": "off-premises"
  1. Target the workspace
❯ ibmcloud pi workspace target crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:wdc06:a/555555555555555:7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111::
Targeting service crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:wdc06:a/555555555555555:7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111::...
  1. Create a Power Network using the CRN so there is an IP Range for the Power workers.
❯ ibmcloud pi subnet create ocp-net --dns-servers --jumbo --cidr-block --gateway --ip-range --net-type private
Creating network ocp-net under account Power Cloud - pcloudci as user
Network ocp-net created.
ID           3e1add7e-1a12-4a50-9325-87f957b0cd63
Name         ocp-net
Type         vlan
VLAN         797
CIDR Block
IP Range     []
  1. Import the Centos8 stock image
❯ ibmcloud pi image create CentOS-Stream-8       
Creating new image from CentOS-Stream-8 under account Power Cloud - pcloudci as user
Image created from CentOS-Stream-8.
Image              4904b3db-1dde-4f3c-a696-92f068816f6f
Name               CentOS-Stream-8
Arch               ppc64
Container Format   bare
Disk Format        raw
Hypervisor         phyp
Type               stock
OS                 rhel
Size               120
Created            2024-01-24T21:00:29.000Z
Last Updated       2024-01-24T21:00:29.000Z
Storage Type       
Storage Pool    
  1. Find the closest location.
❯ ibmcloud tg locations
Listing Transit Service locations under account Power Cloud - pcloudci as user
Location   Location Type   Billing Location   
eu-es      region          eu   
eu-de      region          eu   
au-syd     region          ap   
eu-gb      region          eu   
br-sao     region          br   
jp-osa     region          ap   
jp-tok     region          ap   
ca-tor     region          ca   
us-south   region          us   
us-east    region          us   
  1. Create the Transit Gateway
# ibmcloud tg gateway-create --name rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-tg --location us-east --routing global \
    --resource-group-id 44444444444444444 --output json
    "created_at": "2024-01-24T21:09:23.184Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:transit:us-east:a/555555555555555::gateway:3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063",
    "global": true,
    "id": "3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063",
    "location": "us-east",
    "name": "rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-tg",
    "resource_group": {
        "id": "44444444444444444"
    "status": "pending"
  1. Wait until the transit gateway is available.
❯ ibmcloud tg gw 3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063 --output json
    "created_at": "2024-01-24T21:09:23.184Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:transit:us-east:a/555555555555555::gateway:3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063",
    "global": true,
    "id": "3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063",
    "location": "us-east",
    "name": "rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-tg",
    "resource_group": {
        "id": "44444444444444444"
    "status": "available"
  1. Create a VPC with at least one subnet with a Public Gateway
ibmcloud is vpc-create rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc --resource-group-id 44444444444444444 --output JSON
    "classic_access": false,
    "created_at": "2024-01-24T21:12:46.000Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east:a/555555555555555::vpc:r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333",
    "cse_source_ips": [
            "ip": {
                "address": ""
            "zone": {
                "href": "",
                "name": "us-east-1"
            "ip": {
                "address": ""
            "zone": {
                "href": "",
                "name": "us-east-2"
            "ip": {
                "address": ""
            "zone": {
                "href": "",
                "name": "us-east-3"
    "default_network_acl": {
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east:a/555555555555555::network-acl:r001-0a0afc6c-0943-4a0f-b998-e5e87ec93668",
        "href": "",
        "id": "r001-0a0afc6c-0943-4a0f-b998-e5e87ec93668",
        "name": "causation-browse-capture-behind"
    "default_routing_table": {
        "href": "",
        "id": "r001-216fb1f5-da8f-447e-8515-649bc76b83aa",
        "name": "retaining-acquaint-retiring-curry",
        "resource_type": "routing_table"
    "default_security_group": {
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east:a/555555555555555::security-group:r001-ffa5c27a-6073-4e2e-b679-64560cff8b5b",
        "href": "",
        "id": "r001-ffa5c27a-6073-4e2e-b679-64560cff8b5b",
        "name": "jailer-lurch-treasure-glacial"
    "dns": {
        "enable_hub": false,
        "resolution_binding_count": 0,
        "resolver": {
            "servers": [
                    "address": ""
                    "address": ""
            "type": "system",
            "configuration": "default"
    "health_reasons": null,
    "health_state": "inapplicable",
    "href": "",
    "id": "r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333",
    "name": "rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc",
    "resource_group": {
        "href": "",
        "id": "44444444444444444",
        "name": "dev-resource-group"
    "resource_type": "vpc",
    "status": "pending"
  1. Check the status is available
❯ ibmcloud is vpc rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc --output json | jq -r '.status'
  1. Add a subnet
❯ ibmcloud is subnet-create sn01 rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc \
        --resource-group-id 44444444444444444 \
        --ipv4-address-count 256 --zone us-east-1   
Creating subnet sn01 in resource group 44444444444444444 under account Power Cloud - pcloudci as user
ID                  0757-46e9ca2e-4c63-4bce-8793-f04251d9bdb3   
Name                sn01   
CRN                 crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east-1:a/555555555555555::subnet:0757-46e9ca2e-4c63-4bce-8793-f04251d9bdb3   
Status              pending   
IPv4 CIDR    
Address available   251   
Address total       256   
Zone                us-east-1   
Created             2024-01-24T16:18:10-05:00   
ACL                 ID                                          Name      
                    r001-0a0afc6c-0943-4a0f-b998-e5e87ec93668   causation-browse-capture-behind      
Routing table       ID                                          Name      
                    r001-216fb1f5-da8f-447e-8515-649bc76b83aa   retaining-acquaint-retiring-curry      
Public Gateway      -   
VPC                 ID                                          Name      
                    r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333   rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc      
Resource group      ID                                 Name      
                    44444444444444444   dev-resource-group      
  1. Attach a public gateway to the subnet
❯ ibmcloud is public-gateway-create gw01 rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc us-east-1 \
        --resource-group-id 44444444444444444 \
        --output JSON
    "created_at": "2024-01-24T21:21:18.000Z",
    "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east-1:a/555555555555555::public-gateway:r001-f5f27e42-aed6-4b1a-b121-f234e5149416",
    "floating_ip": {
        "address": "",
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east-1:a/555555555555555::floating-ip:r001-022b865a-4674-4791-94f7-ee4fac646287",
        "href": "",
        "id": "r001-022b865a-4674-4791-94f7-ee4fac646287",
        "name": "gw01"
    "href": "",
    "id": "r001-f5f27e42-aed6-4b1a-b121-f234e5149416",
    "name": "gw01",
    "resource_group": {
        "href": "",
        "id": "44444444444444444",
        "name": "dev-resource-group"
    "resource_type": "public_gateway",
    "status": "available",
    "vpc": {
        "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east:a/555555555555555::vpc:r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333",
        "href": "",
        "id": "r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333",
        "name": "rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc",
        "resource_type": "vpc"
    "zone": {
        "href": "",
        "name": "us-east-1"
  1. Attach the Public Gateway to the Subnet
❯ ibmcloud is subnet-update sn01 --vpc rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc \
        --pgw gw01
Updating subnet sn01 under account Power Cloud - pcloudci as user
ID                  0757-46e9ca2e-4c63-4bce-8793-f04251d9bdb3   
Name                sn01   
CRN                 crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east-1:a/555555555555555::subnet:0757-46e9ca2e-4c63-4bce-8793-f04251d9bdb3   
Status              pending   
IPv4 CIDR    
Address available   251   
Address total       256   
Zone                us-east-1   
Created             2024-01-24T16:18:10-05:00   
ACL                 ID                                          Name      
                    r001-0a0afc6c-0943-4a0f-b998-e5e87ec93668   causation-browse-capture-behind      
Routing table       ID                                          Name      
                    r001-216fb1f5-da8f-447e-8515-649bc76b83aa   retaining-acquaint-retiring-curry      
Public Gateway      ID                                          Name      
                    r001-f5f27e42-aed6-4b1a-b121-f234e5149416   gw01      
VPC                 ID                                          Name      
                    r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333   rdr-mac-p2-wdc06-vpc      
Resource group      ID                                 Name      
                    44444444444444444   dev-resource-group    
  1. Attach the PER network to the TG
❯ ibmcloud tg connection-create 3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063 --name powervs-conn --network-id crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:wdc06:a/555555555555555:7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111:: --network-type power_virtual_server --output json

    "created_at": "2024-01-25T00:37:37.364Z",
    "id": "75646025-3ea2-45e2-a5b3-36870a9de141",
    "name": "powervs-conn",
    "network_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:wdc06:a/555555555555555:7777777-6666-5555-44444-1111111::",
    "network_type": "power_virtual_server",
    "prefix_filters": null,
    "prefix_filters_default": "permit",
    "status": "pending"
  1. You should see the status attached
❯ ibmcloud tg connection 3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063 75646025-3ea2-45e2-a5b3-36870a9de141 --output json | jq -r '.status'
  1. Attach the VPC to the TG
❯ ibmcloud tg connection-create 3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063 --name vpc-conn --network-id crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east:a/555555555555555::vpc:r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333 --network-type vpc --output json
    "created_at": "2024-01-25T00:40:26.629Z",
    "id": "777777777-eef2-4a27-832d-6c80d2ac599f",
    "name": "vpc-conn",
    "network_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-east:a/555555555555555::vpc:r001-372372bb-5f18-4e36-8b39-4444444333",
    "network_type": "vpc",
    "prefix_filters": null,
    "prefix_filters_default": "permit",
    "status": "pending"
  1. Check the status it should be attached
❯ ibmcloud tg connection 3333333-22222-1111-0000-dad4b38f5063 777777777-eef2-4a27-832d-6c80d2ac599f --output json | jq -r '.status'

You now have a VPC and a Power Workspace connected. The next step is to setup the Security Groups to enable communication between subnets. More details to come and help your adoption of Multi-Arch Compute.

