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Quick blog post today that will hopefully save some folks some time and headaches. If you're installing an OpenShift cluster using UPI, you'll need to import the OS images into your workspace first. Thankfully, Red Hat builds images specifically for PowerVS, and even uploads them into regional COS buckets in IBM Cloud. All you have you do, then, is run an import command. You don't need to build one yourself. Here's the process!
Image Import Procedure:
openshift-install coreos print-stream-json | grep '\.ova.gz[^.]'
ibmcloud pi ws target <workspace_crn>
ibmcloud pi image-import --bucket rhcos-powervs-images-eu-de --image-file-name rhcos-416-94-202406251923-0-ppc64le-powervs.ova.gz --region au-syd --bucket-access public --job --os-type rhel --disk-type tier1 rhcos-416-94-202406251923-0-ppc64le-powervs
--bucket-access public --job --os-type rhel
That's it! After about 10 minutes your image should have been download and imported into your workspace. You can verify by using the UI and viewing images in your workspace, or by using the CLI: ibmcloud pi image ls .
ibmcloud pi image ls