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Red Hat Products - May 2024 releases

By Ashwini Sule posted 24 days ago


In the month of May, following Red Hat products were released on Power.


Released on


AMQ Streams 2.5.1 Respin

2, May

AMQ Streams 2.5.1 Respin for bind and dhcp.

Camel Spring Boot 4.4

7, May

  • First GA release on IBM Power.
  • Support for EIP circuit breaker.  
  • Support for Stateful transactions.
  • Supported OCP version 4.15.

Pipelines 1.14.4

7, May

Available on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.12 and later.

Fixed issues:

  •       Unneeded conversion webhook configuration for the ClusterTask and StepAction Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) was removed, and such error messages are no longer logged.
  •      The OpenShift Pipelines plugin pod moves to the correct node.
  •       Error messages contain the required information and OpenShift Pipelines operator controller functions correctly.
  •       Horizontal Pod Auto scaler configuration using the options section works correctly.
  •       The pipeline started by Pipelines as Code can be modified concurrently and concurrency limit setting of 0 disables the concurrency limit.

GitOps 1.10.5

GitOps 1.11.4

11, May

Security fix:

argo-cd: webpack-dev-middleware: lack of URL validation may lead to file leak (CVE-2024-29180). 

Bug fixes:

  • Fix for a critical bug reported by customers where IgnoreDifferences option in Sync options was not working for array fields in ArgoCD. This fix will allow the users to ignore specific fields in the array when specified in ignoreDifferences during Sync.
  • Fix that enables customer to add clusters hosted on GCP to ArgoCD.
  • Fix that ensures that Argo CD correctly reports support for these host key algorithms during the handshake process, allowing the pull from Azure DevOps Repos to succeed.

GitOps 1.12.2

11, May

Security fix:

 argo-cd: API server does not enforce project sourceNamespaces (CVE-2024-31990). 

Bug fixes: 

  • Added support for rollouts in gitops-must-gather which will allow customers to gather data and logs about their rollout installation.
  • A fix to allow users to configure Notification Context in NotificationsConfigurationCR.
  • Fix to enable scheduling console-plugin workloads on Infra nodes.
  • Fix to resolve customer bug which will now allow the users to create ArgoCD from Developer Console.

ACS 4.3.7

13, May

  •      The default telemetry endpoint is now set to a Red Hat proxy.
  •      Bugs and CVE fixes.

.NET 7.0.19

14, May

For RHEL 8.9 and later and RHEL 9.4 and later, containers support OpenShift Container Platform versions that are currently RH supported.

Security update:
dotnet: stack buffer overrun in Double Parse.
dotnet: denial of service in ASP.NET Core due to deadlock.

Note: .NET7 EOL as of 14 May, 2024.

.NET 8.0.5

14, May

For RHEL 8.10 and later and RHEL 9.4 and later, containers support OpenShift Container Platform versions that are currently RH supported.

Security update:
dotnet: stack buffer overrun in Double Parse.
dotnet: denial of service in ASP.NET Core due to deadlock.

Camel Extension for Quarkus 3.8

17, May

  •         First GA release on IBM Power.
  •         Red Hat build of Apache Camel for Quarkus providing extensions for libraries and frameworks that are used by Camel components to inherit native support and configuration options.
  •         Using the optimized build-time and ahead-of-time (AOT) features of Quarkus.
  •         Added support on IBM Power and IBM Z for OpenJDK21.
  •         Supported OCP version 4.15.

ACS 4.4.2

20, May

Bugs and CVE fixes.

Fuse 7.13

23, May

Support for Karaf OSGi runtime and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) is deprecated.

GitOps 1.10.6

GitOps 1.11.5

GitOps 1.12.3

28, May

Security fix:

CVE-2024-31989 argocd: unprivileged pod in a different namespace on the same cluster could connect to the Redis server on port 6379.

AMQ Streams 2.7.0

30, May

AMQ Streams is being renamed as Streams for Apache Kafka as a part of branding effort. This change aims to increase awareness among customers of Red Hat’s product for Apache Kafka.


AMQ-B Operator 7.11.6

7, May

The amq7/amq-broker-rhel8-operator-bundle container image has been updated for RHEL 8 based Middleware Containers to address the security advisory: RHBA-2024:1805.

AMQ-B Operator 7.11.6

7, May

The RHEL 8 based Middleware Containers container images have been updated to address the security advisory: RHSA-2024:2722.

JWS 5.8.0 JDK11

7, May

Covers the release of Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.8.0 for OpenShift images on UBI8.

JWS 5.8.0 JDK17

7, May

Covers the release of Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.8.0 for OpenShift images on UBI8.

JWS 6.0.2 JDK17

7, May

Updates to the current JBoss Web Server 6.0 for OpenShift images to consume the JBoss Web Server 6.0.2 release.

AMQ-B Operator Bundle 7.11.6

9, May

The amq7/amq-broker-rhel8-operator-bundle container image has been updated for RHEL 8 based Middleware Containers to address the security advisory: RHBA-2024:2748

Quarkus 3.2.12

9, May

New release for Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.2.12 on OpenShift Container Platform

Quarkus 3.8.4

9, May

New release for Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.8.4 on OpenShift Container Platform

Keycloak 24.0.4

16, May

New images are available for Red Hat build of Keycloak 24.0.4 and Red Hat build of Keycloak 24.0.4 Operator, running on OpenShift Container Platform.

AMQ-B 7.12.0

21, May

This is the multiarch release of the AMQ Broker 7.12.0 aligned Operator and associated container images on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for the OpenShift Container Platform.

AMQ-B Operator 7.12.0

21, May

This is the multiarch release of the AMQ Broker 7.12.0 aligned Operator and associated container images on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for the OpenShift Container Platform.

RHSSO 7.6.8

21, May

Updated rh-sso-7/sso76-openshift-rhel8 container image is now available for RHEL-8 based Middleware Containers.

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