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Red Hat Products - November 2023 releases

By Ashwini Sule posted Tue December 05, 2023 11:06 AM


In the month of November, following Red Hat products were released on Power.


Released on


.Net 7.0.13

1, Nov

Containers support OpenShift Container Platform versions that are currently RH supported for RHEL 8.7 and later, and 9.2 and later.

Security fixes:

Denial of Service with Client Certificates using .NET Kestrel Security.

Serverless 1.30.2

2, Nov

This release addresses Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), contains bug fixes, and is supported on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 and later versions.

Pipelines 1.12.2

6, Nov

With this update, Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability (GA) 1.12.2 is available on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.12 and later.

Fixed issues:

  • Earlier, the generated Git secret for the latest pipeline run was deleted when the max-keep-runs parameter was exceeded. Now, the Git secret is no longer deleted on the latest pipeline run.
  • With this update, the S2I cluster task uses a General Availability container image.

Pipelines 1.11.2

8, Nov

With this update, Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability (GA) 1.11.2 is available on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.12 and later.

Fixed issues:

  • Earlier, the tkn pac resolve -f command did not detect the existing secret for authentication with the Git repository. Now, this command successfully detects the secret.
  • You can use --v1beta1 flag in the tkn pac resolve command. Use this flag if you want to generate the pipeline run with the v1beta1 API version schema.
  • Earlier, the tkn pr logs command failed to display the logs for a pipeline run if this pipeline run referenced a resolver. Now, the command displays the logs.
  • SHA digest of the git-init image corresponds to version 1.12.1, which is the current released version of the image.

GitOps 1.8.6

8, Nov

Security fixes: 

  • golang: net/http, x/net/http2: rapid stream resets can cause excessive work (Rapid Reset Attack) (CVE-2023-39325)
  • HTTP/2: Multiple HTTP/2 enabled web servers are vulnerable to a DDoS attack (Rapid Reset Attack) (CVE-2023-44487).

Dev Spaces 3.9.1


9, Nov

Bug fixes.

.Net 7.0.14

15, Nov

Containers support OCP versions that are currently RH supported for RHEL 8.7 and later, and 9.2 and later.

Security fixes:

  • ASP.NET security feature bypass vulnerability in Blazor forms.
  • Arbitrary file write and deletion vulnerability.

ACS 4.3

15, Nov

Support for Central and Scanner on IBM Power.

Service Mesh 2.4.5

15, Nov

Supported on OCP version 4.11 and later.

Bug fixes:

  • Denial of service when using HTTP/2 protocol.
  • golang: net/http, x/net/http2: rapid stream resets can cause excessive work.

3scale 2.13.7

16, Nov

3scale operator actions for CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset), Apicast operator actions for CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset) - Apicast Operator 2.13 and Apicast actions for CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset) for 3scale 2.13.

3scale 2.12.4

16, Nov

3scale operator actions for CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset), Apicast operator actions for CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset) - ApicastOperator 2.12 and

[MAJOR INCIDENT] Apicast CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset) for 3scale 2.12.

.Net 8.0.0

20, Nov

Containers support OCP versions that are currently RH supported for RHEL 8.9 and later, and 9.3 and later.

New features:

  • .NET 8.0 includes built-in support for building container images for .NET projects.
  • The base library, GC, and JIT have seen many performance improvements.

ASP.NET Core 8.0 improvements:

  • Server-side rendering of Blazor components is now possible.

GitOps 1.9.3

20, Nov

Security fixes: 

  • golang: net/http, x/net/http2: rapid stream resets can cause excessive work (Rapid Reset Attack) (CVE-2023-39325)
  • HTTP/2: Multiple HTTP/2 enabled web servers are vulnerable to a DDoS attack (Rapid Reset Attack) (CVE-2023-44487)

Pipelines 1.13.0


30, Nov

With this update, Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines General Availability (GA) 1.13 is available on OpenShift Container Platform version 4.12 and later.

Fixed issues:

  • A secret is deleted only when all pipeline runs that use it are deleted.
  • When concealing secrets in logs, the process now starts from the longest secret, ensuring that no part of any secret is displayed in the logs.
  • If you specify a results spec for a pipeline, the results provided by the pipeline are correctly processed.
  • The storage. oci.repository parameter is processed correctly for Tekton Chains.
  • The errors are processed and logged on the Tekton Chains controller log.


JWS Operator 2.0.10

2, Nov

Updated the JWS Operator image for OpenShift to fix http2 and python CVEs.

AMQ B 7.10.5 CR1

9, Nov

Multiarch release of the AMQ Broker 7.10.5 Operator and associated container images on RHEL8 for the OpenShift Container Platform.

AMQ B 7.11.4

9, Nov

Multiarch release of the AMQ Broker 7.11.4 Operator and associated container images on RHEL8 for the OpenShift Container Platform.

RHDG OpenShift 8.4.5

13, Nov

Updated the RHDG Operator and associated container images OpenShift to fix http2 and python CVEs.

RHBK 22.0.5 GA

15, Nov

New release for Red Hat build of Keycloak 22.0.5 on Openshift Container Platform 4.12, 4.13, 4.14.

RHSSO 7.6.6

24, Nov

A new image is available for Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.6.6, running on OpenShift Container Platform 3.10 and 3.11, and 4.3.

