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 Error when connecting to an IBM i partition with RDI 9.8

Bill Howie's profile image
Bill Howie posted Wed February 05, 2025 11:07 AM

Hello all,

I posted this once already but didn't see it show up in the threads so I'm posting it again.  I recently installed version 9.8 of RDI and am having an issue with connecting to one of our 3 partitions.  It's really strange, because we have 3 partitions and my connections to the other 2 work fine.  I'm attaching a screenshot of the error that I'm getting.  I had reached out on the user group to ask this question and have tried all the solutions offered there with no luck.  Here are the things that I've tried:

  • Restarting RDI
  • Making sure all TCP servers are started
  • Checking to see if the installed licensed programs needed are in place.  We have the same installed licensed programs across all 3 partitions and the other two work
  • Unchecking the box that requires a secure connection

Any suggestions anyone might offer would be most appreciated.  Thanks very much!


Marius le Roux's profile image
Marius le Roux IBM Champion

Hi Bill, 

My assumption here would be its due to SSL configuration on the partition, this might be different settings or setup between the partitions. Perhaps check the differences between the host servers that has SSL applied. 

The other thing that is a bit annoying that I have experienced on RDI 9.8, if you first connect on the "green screen - GUI like" signon screen , it auto accepts the SSL configuration which one has to turn off in some obscure places to get back to non-ssl connections.

Bill Howie's profile image
Bill Howie


Thanks for the suggestion!  As it turns out, I tried using the IP address for the connection instead of the system name and for some reason that worked.

David Larsen's profile image
David Larsen

Bill, if the connection with the IP address works and the connection with the System Name does not work, you might look at the System Configuration for the system name and check the IP address under the Connection tab. I would bet that IP address for the system name is not correct. I hope that helps.

Giancarlo Lui's profile image
Giancarlo Lui

"Hi Bill,

Please check if the SSL connection option is enabled in the connection properties and adjust it accordingly. I also had problems when I upgraded from version 9.6 to 9.8. In version 9.6, the default was connections without SSL, while in 9.8, the default is yes.

See you soon, and good luck with your work."