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Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
June 21 marks IBM i’s 35th Anniversary. What an amazing achievement this is and one that everyone in the IBM i community should celebrate! User groups, customers, and partners from around the world have helped to shape the direction of the IBM i hardware and software solutions, a group achievement that calls for celebration by everyone!Join Ian Jarman, CTO of IBM Expert Labs, in one of three webinar events worldwide, as he engages with a panel of IBM i luminaries, influencers, and users to reflect on the achievements of the community and what they anticipate for the future. No matter what your time zone, there’s a webinar scheduled in your region. Other events around the world are also being organized; ask your local IBM or Partner team for details.Everyone -- customers, partners and IBMers – are invited to raise a glass of champagne or a cup of coffee and join the celebration in one of these kickoff celebratory events, hosted by TechChannel and IBM.