Original Message:
Sent: Wed March 03, 2021 03:03 AM
From: Christophe Ducrocq
Subject: Update to V9R2M950
I don't know if you direct download from IBM or your own FTP server.
Is checksum SHA1 value ok of your download repository? The "authentication failure" hmc message means HMC embeded sha1sum calculation is not matching
You can use sha1sum command on linux , or 7zip embeded CRC SHA1 fonction directly in windows explorer to check your downloaded image.
you should find this SHA1 value for V9R2 M950 ppc image :
if checksum is ok , may be a problem during ftp transfert (set in binary mode ?)
After installing MH01858 on your V9R1, you must do a Save Upgrade Data (using option - diskusb , or saveupgdata -r diskftp -h ftpserver -u ftpuser
-d /home/ftpuser/saveupgdata if you are not onsite ), then reboot on you installation image /media
This will allow automatic restoration of hmc parameters during upgrade using the disk drive copy. And in case of problems requiring a complete reinstallation , you will have a copy on ftp server (I use to work localy, backup on USB media saved my life;) .
Make sure you HMC time and BMC time are ok if using a 7063 appliance (connect on it through http session using ADMIN user profile ). If you updated BMC/pnor FW on your 7063, make sure to set time again in BMC before restarting hmc , as stated in readme.
Christophe Ducrocq
Original Message:
Sent: Tue March 02, 2021 12:11 PM
From: Fred Langner-Lind
Subject: Update to V9R2M950
tried an update to Version V9R2M950.. First installed MH01858 and then rebooted.
Then installed HMC_Recovery_V9R2M950_1_ppc.iso but got this error:
Management console corrective service installation in progress. Please wait...
Corrective service file offload from remote server in progress...
The corrective service file offload was successful. Continuing with HMC service installation...
applyUpdates 1=/dump/efix/HMC_Recovery_V9R2M950_1_ppc.iso
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
Verifying Certificate Information
Authentication Failure. HMC not updated
Corrupted install image or incorrect time on HMC
Please verify the date/time of the hmc and retry
Corrective service installation has failed.
View the HMC log for details.
Nothing wrong with date and time found.
So it should be a corrupted image. So took anew download, same error !
Any Ideas ?
Fred Langner-Lind