Installing and Configuring PowerSC Server and Agent
The uiServer gives you the opportunity to manage your endpoints ( Agents ) from one location.
There are 3 main filesets that are needed
Endpoint ( uiAgent): pscxpert and pscuiAgent
Server: pscuiServer
Utilize "smitty install_all" for menu options
Now what?
One must give a user group both login authority and Administrator authority ; one must also add the system(s) to the the group list is that allowed to have access to that system.
For example you would like to grant users in the administrator group both access to the system and administrator access : administrator_group
pscuiserverctl set administratorGroupList administrator_group
pscuiserverctl set logonGroupList administrator_group
Now set the group to have access to the particular systems ( the '*' allows all systems)
pscuiserverctl setgroup administrator_group "*"
Martha Rodriguez