Restrictions when using Interactive SQL (STRSQL)
Original Message:
Sent: Fri December 06, 2024 01:24 PM
From: David Taylor
Subject: Stored Procedure works only in ACS Run Scripts
@Rich Malloy, yes, I put it in DEBUG. It does not "fail" as such. It simply does not run the QCMDEXEC part of the process. Could be a limit in the SQL allowed from CLLE is bleeding over. I will tear it down and create an RPGLE to do the work if the other solution does not work.
David Taylor
Sr Application Developer
Range Resources
Fort Worth
Original Message:
Sent: Fri December 06, 2024 11:24 AM
From: Rich Malloy
Subject: Stored Procedure works only in ACS Run Scripts
have you tried putting it into debug to see where it fails ? There are differences in how SQL is handled/processed when running via STRSQL/RUNSQL vs ACS RUN Scripts. One 'annoying' difference is that an SQL statement with a semicolon won't run via RUNSQL but runs fine elsewhere. This is a very minor difference but I wonder if your proc isn't running for a similar reason. Try putting it into DEBUG first and step thru and see where it fails.
Rich Malloy
Original Message:
Sent: Fri December 06, 2024 11:00 AM
From: David Taylor
Subject: Stored Procedure works only in ACS Run Scripts
This is odd. I created this SP to automate loading spooled files to send to another system. Yes, I know there are other ways, but this should have worked. It does work when I call the SP from Run Scripts--loading all the spooled file copies to QSPOOLSQL. When I try from the STRSQL command line or RUNSQL from the main command line, the procedure drops the old copy of QSPOOLSQL and creates a new one. It does not load the spooled files to the members as it does using Run Scripts. Thoughts?
create or replace procedure Load_Spooled_Files(
IN in_Out_Queue char(10) DEFAULT ' ',
IN in_User_Data CHAR(10) DEFAULT ' ',
in in_Spool_File CHAR(10) DEFAULT ' ',
IN in_Months char(02) DEFAULT '12'
language SQL
result sets 1
SPECIFIC Load_Spooled_Files
set option DBGVIEW = *SOURCE
-- Procedure Logic ----------------------------------------
declare wk_Out_Queue char(10);
declare wk_User_Data char(10);
declare wk_Spool_File char(10);
declare wk_Months decimal(02,0);
declare SpooledFileList cursor with return for
select user_data,spooled_file_name, file_number,'M' ||RANK() OVER(ORDER BY create_timestamp DESC) AS "Rank",
'CPYSPLF FILE(' || trim(spooled_file_name) ||') TOFILE(MYLIB/QSPOOLSQL) JOB('
|| Trim(job_name) ||') SPLNBR('|| trim(file_number) ||') TOMBR('|| 'M' ||RANK() OVER(ORDER BY create_timestamp DESC)||') CTLCHAR(*FCFC) ') Pass
where (OUTPUT_QUEUE_NAME, user_data,spooled_file_name) = (wk_Out_Queue,wk_User_Data,wk_Spool_File)
and date(Create_Timestamp) >= current date - wk_Months Months
order by create_timestamp desc
SET wk_Out_Queue = upper(Trim(in_Out_Queue));
SET wk_Months = CAST(Trim(in_Months) AS decimal(2,0));
SET wk_User_Data = Trim(in_User_Data);
SET wk_Spool_File = Trim(in_Spool_File);
call QSYS2.QCMDEXC('CRTPF FILE(MYLIB/QSPOOLSQL) RCDLEN(198) TEXT(''Copied Spooled File for '||trim(wk_User_Data) || ' '') MAXMBRS(100) SIZE(*NOMAX)');
-- Run the query
open SpooledFileList;
David Taylor
Sr Application Developer
Range Resources
Fort Worth