We were working on AIX LPAR 7.2 TL4 SP1.
We were working with "openldap-2.0.21-6ssl.ppc" and "httpd.base Apache Http Server".
Life was very nice !
Then we have decided to update our AIX LPAR to AIX 7.2 TL5 SP1.
Then the openldap rpm has been updated to "openldap-2.4.58-3.ppc".
Then troubles came with http server returning error message "/opt/freeware/lib/libldap.a(libldap.so.2) could not be loaded".
We had to go back to our previous AIX os level.
But we would like to understand what happened.
openldap-2.4.58-3.ppc package is not compatible with our "httpd Apache Http Server" ?
We thank you very much for your help,
christophe derouet