Original Message:
Sent: Tue February 25, 2025 04:04 AM
From: Manoj Kumar
Subject: Not able to download service pack through ansible automation platform
Hi Shreyansh,
Please find the output from the command. This is our NIM server where I have run this command.
:/# suma -x -a Action=Preview -a RqType=Latest
Performing preview download.
0500-035 No fixes match your query.
0500-013 Failed to retrieve list from fix server.
Manoj Kumar
Original Message:
Sent: Mon February 24, 2025 01:47 AM
From: Shreyansh Chamola
Subject: Not able to download service pack through ansible automation platform
Hi Manoj,
From the information provided, it seems to be occurring because your LPAR is not authenticated to access the internet (perhaps after the recent upgradation, the outbound access is not there anymore)
Can you please confirm by running the following command:
suma -x -a Action=Preview -a RqType=Latest
You can get more information about it from suma's official documentation
Please provide additional details, in case this does not seem to be the issue.
Shreyansh Chamola
Original Message:
Sent: Fri February 21, 2025 04:18 AM
From: Manoj Kumar
Subject: Not able to download service pack through ansible automation platform
Hi Team,
We are facing issue with ansible automation platform to download the service pack through NIM server. We are getting following error. Do we have any idea on this error? Earlier we were using the same playbook to download the service pack successfully. Only one change was done that NIM server was upgraded to 7.3.
fatal: [nim01]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"cmd": "/usr/sbin/suma -x -a Action=Metadata -a RqType=Latest -a DLTarget=/var/adm/ansible/metadata -a FilterML=7200-05 -a DisplayName=\\"download request for oslevel Latest\\" -a FilterDir=/var/adm/ansible/metadata",
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"action": "download",
"description": null,
"download_dir": "/export/nim/hbcbs_sw/AIX_UPDATES",
"download_only": false,
"extend_fs": true,
"lpp_source_name": null,
"metadata_dir": "/var/adm/ansible/metadata",
"oslevel": "Latest",
"targets": [
"meta": {
"messages": []
"msg": "Suma metadata command '/usr/sbin/suma -x -a Action=Metadata -a RqType=Latest -a DLTarget=/var/adm/ansible/metadata -a FilterML=7200-05 -a DisplayName=\\"download request for oslevel Latest\\" -a FilterDir=/var/adm/ansible/metadata' failed with return code 1",
"stderr": "0500-013 Failed to retrieve list from fix server.\\n",
"stderr_lines": [
"0500-013 Failed to retrieve list from fix server."
"stdout": "",
"stdout_lines": [],
"targets": [
Manoj Kumar