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Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

  • 1.  Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Wed May 24, 2023 01:01 AM
    Edited by SANKET RATHI Wed May 31, 2023 02:21 AM

    This post gives an information on what changes will be introduced and what steps users have to take when we upload packages built
     with python3.9 for which python3.9 will be the default python3.

    We are hoping to upload all python modules built with python3.9 in couples of weeks.


    Currently on AIX Toolbox python3 based packages are built with python 3.7.

    Python 3.7 will be EOL in June 2023.

    Hence it is necessary to move to supported python3 version for AIX Toolbox packages.

    The default python3

    The AIX Toolbox default python3 is python3-3.7. Along with this we have python3.9-3.9 as well.

    Till now users who wants to use python3.9 needed to install it separately either with "dnf install python3.9" or by manually using rpm install command "rpm -ivh python3.9 …."

    But now default python3 will be python3.9 instead of python3-3.7.

    Because of this now when user will run "dnf update", python3.9 along with any other python3 modules (installed from AIX toolbox) or python3 based packages installed (dnf, ninja-build, git, gdb etc) will be update to python3.9 based builds. It is recommended to run "dnf update" instead of updating individual packages.

    python3, python3-devel, python3-idle, python3-test, python3-tkinter rpms are now meta-packages that ships default binaries like python3, python3-config, pydoc3, etc. which are actually symlinks to python3.9, python3.9-config, pydoc3.9, etc. provided by python3.9 rpms.
    These meta packages have dependencies on actual python packages those supplies the binaries and libraries. Users are recommended to install meta-packages through dnf and implicitly main python3 packages will be installed.

    We have rebuilt all our python3 modules with python3.9.

    Other issues fixed along with python3.9 rebuilds

    Earlier we had an issue with python3 and runtime linking.

    This also exposed the issues in rpm.rte and runtime linking.

    Overall, this was causing issues with DNF, and breaking DNF itself where users had to fix it by manually downloading some of the rpms from AIX Toolbox.

    This has been explained in detail in this forum post  Recent DNF and YUM issues with newer python3 and curl builds

    Users action

    To get all of these latest changes users can run "dnf update".  Don't try to update the package individually it recommended to run DNF update.

    But before running any DNF commands one needs update rpm.rte to latest version.

    We have rebuilt rpm.rte to remove runtime linking and rebuilt DNF and dependencies against this newly rebuilt rpm.rte. DNF dependencies now links to rpm.rte provided archive libraries (.a) instead of directly linking to .so libraries.

    To avoid errors related to missing librpm*.a libraries one needs to update rpm.rte first.

    You can download latest rpm.rte versions from AIX web download site.

    For AIX 7.1 and 7.2: Download and install rpm.rte-

    For AIX 7.3: Download and install rpm.rte-

    DNF bundle update

    DNF bundle will be updated to include rebuilt DNF python3 modules with python3.9 and an updated rpm.rte.

    So, when setting up the DNF using the install script, it tries to update to the latest rpm.rte first and then install the required rpm packages.

    Custom Python3 Modules

    If a user has built and installed python3 modules (with python3.7) on their own outside AIX toolbox then those modules will not be migrated to python3.9. User will have to reinstall them separately for python3.9.


    From a user perspective there is not much work to migrate to python3.9. One just need to install latest rpm.rte from AIX web download link mentioned above (if not already at latest) and run "dnf update" to get the latest python3.9 ecosystem. Or if you are setting up first time dnf environment then just install latest rpm.rte and then install dnf with the AIX toolbox dnf install script.


  • 2.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Tue June 06, 2023 04:55 PM

    Hello SANGAMESH,

    I have the following questions:

    1. Is the above mentioned python 3.9 actually python 3.9.16 that has been discussed previously in the community?
    2. Is the new python 3.9 64bit based, or it has dual runtime executables for both 32bit and 64bit, like python3.7?
    3. As we don't have internet for our AIX servers, can we download the new AIX Toolbox repository from a machine with internet and copy it to the AIX servers?



    Mi Wang

  • 3.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 04:21 AM
     It is recommended to run "dnf update" instead of updating individual packages.

    sorry, but this is not possible in an controlled enterprise environment. we have a very tight list of allowed packages and versions, updating all packages in that way is just  out of question. you need to provide detailed descriptions how to upgrade the individual python3 packages.

    I regret starting this entire conversation

  • 4.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 08:40 AM

    This is done because python 3.7 is going out of support.

    We cannot continue with python that is out of support and python-packages those are dependent on that.

    I think your environment also would not like to have such packages those are no more supported by communities and suspectable for vulnerabilities (no fix will be released by community)




    Sanket Rathi


  • 5.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 09:38 AM
    Edited by C- -T Mon June 12, 2023 09:39 AM

    you missunderstood, i am fine with the 3.9 migration but you can not expect a forced "dnf update" which updates ALL installed packages, therefore a documentation of upgrading ONLY the python3 packages is needed. this  will lead to serious problems in an production environment.

    I regret starting this entire conversation

  • 6.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 11:12 AM

    Apart from python3 there is another change which is moving packages to openssl 1.1.1.

    As openssl 1.0.2 has also gone out of support and hence packages those are using openssl 1.0.2 also needs to be updated.

    Now with all this if there are some packages using openssl 1.0.2 and some are using newer version and both of those packages needed by dnf then sometime there will be problem.

    It is because the way older python and other packages are built. This was discovered recently and hence we have modified build of python3 and other packages and moved all pakages to openssl 1.1.1

    Hence we are recommending to upgrade everything otherwise people might miss some important packages and face issues.

    But if you really need list of packages that has to be updated we might be able to provide list and if you have them then just update them.




    Sanket Rathi


  • 7.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 16, 2023 02:47 PM

    do I need openssl 1.1.1 or I can have a OpenSSL 3.0?


  • 8.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 19, 2023 03:08 AM

    Both works (since openssl 3.0 also has 1.1.1 shared object in it's archive).

    Ayappan P

  • 9.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 19, 2023 04:02 AM
    Edited by C- -T Mon June 19, 2023 04:02 AM

    as whoever is building the openssl filesets must be hit by the stroke of genius, there are TWO tastes of the openssl 1.1.1.X fileset...

    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           18 Jun 30 2022  latest -> openssl-
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     system          256 Oct 06 2022  openssl-
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     system          256 Mar 13 14:57 openssl-

    as we were bitten by this nonsense more than once , i better ask before touching anything here. which one of the two versions are you using to build/link your packages?

    I regret starting this entire conversation

  • 10.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 19, 2023 04:17 AM

    For AIX Toolbox package builds, we use openssl 1.1.2.X. This version of openssl has no weak ciphers support, so applications can't use weak/deprecated APIs. Packages built against this 1.1.2.X library will also work with openssl 1.1.1.X. But the reverse is not true. 

    Ayappan P

  • 11.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 11:23 AM


    My systems are in the exact same situation as C--T's systems, so I will require to upgrade a couple of packages.

    Could you provide us documentation to upgrade single packages?


  • 12.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 15, 2023 07:31 AM

    Users who don't want to do a total "dnf update" , they can do just "dnf update dnf python3". This will only update dnf ( & its dependencies) and python3. 
    python3 will be migrated from 3.7.X to 3.9.X. We now have python3.7 rpm in the Toolbox which will automatically get installed in the process. So the system now will be having python3.9 & python3.7 rpms and python3 refers to python3.9.

    Ayappan P

  • 13.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 16, 2023 05:57 AM

    Hello Users,

    dnf repodata has been update with python3.9 and modules rebuilt with python3.9.

    Please let us know if there are any issues you face with update.


  • 14.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 19, 2023 10:29 AM


    Based on your information, I assume we can now download the new Toolbox repository (big file) in the same way as that with previous repository with python 3.7? What is the repository file name for the new one? (the name for the old one is ESD-Toolbox_for_Linux_Apps_Common_7.1-7.3_122022_LKT010325.tar.gz) My another question is: does the new python 3.9.16 have both 32 bit mode and 64 bit mode?



    Mi Wang

  • 15.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue June 20, 2023 04:28 AM

    Hello Sangamesh, hello Team,

    I just tried to dnf update on one of our test systems. It is not working that way. Some dependencies are preventing the update...

    We are using Salt for managing our system and the salt version in the AIX toolbox depends on Python3.7m. Therefore we need urgent an updated version of salt...

    We are starting the migration of our environment in about three weeks and I would'nt like to have a unsupported version of python installed.
    Is it planned to update salt from your side? Do you have a time frame for the release?

    Many thanks in advance.
    best regards,

    Joerg Kauke
    Unix Administrator
    COOP Switzerland

  • 16.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Tue June 20, 2023 04:32 AM

    salt is also updated to use python3.9. The new version is 3004.2-2. Please check it again. 

    Ayappan P

  • 17.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue June 20, 2023 05:42 AM

    Hello Ayappan,

    thanks for pointing out. Unfortunately it is not downloading via dnf reposync:

    [SKIPPED] salt-2016.11.6-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-2019.2.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-2019.2.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-3001.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-3003-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-3004-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-3004.2-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-api-2016.11.6-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-api-2019.2.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-api-2019.2.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-api-3001.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-api-3003-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-api-3004-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-api-3004.2-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-cloud-2016.11.6-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-cloud-2019.2.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-cloud-2019.2.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-cloud-3001.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-cloud-3003-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-cloud-3004-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-cloud-3004.2-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-master-2016.11.6-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-master-2019.2.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-master-2019.2.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-master-3001.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-master-3003-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-master-3004-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-master-3004.2-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-minion-2016.11.6-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-minion-2019.2.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-minion-2019.2.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-minion-3001.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-minion-3003-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-minion-3004-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-minion-3004.2-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-ssh-2016.11.6-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-ssh-2019.2.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-ssh-2019.2.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-ssh-3001.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-ssh-3003-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-ssh-3004-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-ssh-3004.2-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-syndic-2016.11.6-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-syndic-2019.2.3-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-syndic-2019.2.5-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-syndic-3001.1-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-syndic-3003-1.aix6.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-syndic-3004-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded
    [SKIPPED] salt-syndic-3004.2-1.aix7.1.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded

    Any idea why?

    svrsyum-0:/yum_db#dnf list salt-minion
    Last metadata expiration check: 0:05:59 ago on Tue Jun 20 11:35:26 2023.
    Installed Packages
    salt-minion.noarch                                                           3004.2-1                                                           @AIX_Toolbox_noarch
    Available Packages
    salt-minion.noarch                                                           3004.2-2                                                           AIX_Toolbox_noarch

    best regards,

    Joerg Kauke
    Unix Administrator
    COOP Switzerland

  • 18.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue June 20, 2023 06:46 AM

    just found out... salt is not the only package that is not available for sync or on the toolbox website. I found them directly on the website.
    Maybe createrepo did not correctly work on your repo?

    best regards,


    Joerg Kauke
    Unix Administrator
    COOP Switzerland

  • 19.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Tue June 20, 2023 02:58 PM


    I went through the process and now when I do a # dnf check I see the below issues?  

    Any idea of what I did wrong?

    NIM1:/ # dnf check
    python3-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16-32_51.ppc has installed conflict "python3-dnf-plugin-migrate < 4.0.16-64_1": python3-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16-32_51.ppc
    python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16-32_51.ppc has installed conflict "python3-dnf-plugins-core < 4.0.16-64_1": python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16-32_51.ppc
    Error: Check discovered 2 problem(s)
    NIM1:/ #

    Tim Koopman

  • 20.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Wed June 21, 2023 11:28 AM

    Hello Sangamesh,

    I found that fileset rpm.rte version has bad permissions on directory  /usr/opt/rpm/lib. Normally it should have 755 but it has 777 which makes it unsecure.
    Please check it. 
    Thank you.

    #  restore -Taq -vf rpm.rte | grep 777
    New volume on rpm.rte:
    Cluster size is 51200 bytes (100 blocks).
    The volume number is 1.
    The backup date is: Tue Apr  4 21:03:45 CEST 2023
    Files are backed up by name.
    The user is BUILD.
     777 root     system              0 ./usr/opt/rpm/lib
    The number of archived files is 516.

    ## ls -ld /usr/opt/rpm/lib
    drwxrwxrwx    4 root     system         4096 Jun 21 15:25 /usr/opt/rpm/lib
    ## lslpp -l rpm.rte
      Fileset                      Level  State      Description
    Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
      rpm.rte        COMMITTED  RPM Package Manager

    Path: /etc/objrepos
      rpm.rte        COMMITTED  RPM Package Manager

    Jozef Franek

  • 21.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Wed June 21, 2023 04:43 PM

    Hi Sangamesh,

    Can you please respond to my previous questions? In addition, I have the following 3 questions as well:

    1. Once we install python 3.9.16, can we remove python 3.7.12?
    2. In the AIX Toolbox site ( now all python 3.9.16 updated packages are there and they become the default python3 packages?
    3. When IBM can provide the list for all python 3.9.16 updated packages (it seems the new python 3.9.16 updated repository won't be available)?.



    Mi Wang

  • 22.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 22, 2023 11:37 AM

    Hi Mi,

    python 3.7.12 will be removed automatically as part of the update.

    Yes. We will be updating our web page in 2-3 days with latest python3 modules we updated.

    Our repo data information is already updated with python3.9


  • 23.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 22, 2023 06:06 AM

    Hi Jozef,

    Thanks for reporting the issue.

    We will fix this and update the fileset.


  • 24.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Wed June 28, 2023 08:16 AM

    Thank you. Do you have any ETA for it?

    Jozef Franek

  • 25.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 01:50 AM

    It would be available in 1-2 days.


  • 26.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Tue August 29, 2023 07:17 PM

    For closure sake, I am confirming

    This is fixed in rpm.rte

    ls -ld   /usr/opt/rpm/libdrwxrwxrwx    5 root     system         4096 Aug 29 17:44 /usr/opt/rpm/lib

    ls -ld   /usr/opt/rpm/lib
    drwxr-xr-x    5 root     system         4096 Aug 29 18:01 /usr/opt/rpm/lib

    Jan Harris
    AIX Development Support (Liaison to the AIX Toolbox for Open Source)
    IBM (Contract)
    Austin TX

  • 27.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 22, 2023 11:00 AM

    Why to run DNF the python3.9 is used from /opt/freeware/libexec/python3.9_32 and not from /opt/freeware/bin/python3.9 ?
    This causes me a problem with the chef-client software and resource dnf_package which by default uses binary python3 which is a link to /opt/freeware/bin/python3.9 but dnf module imported in /opt/freeware/bin/python3.9 ends with errors:

    $ /opt/freeware/bin/python3
    Python 3.9.16 (main, Apr  5 2023, 02:48:48)
    [GCC 10.3.0] on aix
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import dnf
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 32, in <module>
        import dnf.base
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 29, in <module>
        import libdnf.transaction
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 3, in <module>
        from . import common_types
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 13, in <module>
        from . import _common_types
    ImportError: Could not load module /opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/
    System error: Exec format error

    Will it be changed somehow i the future ? will it stay that /opt/freeware/libexec/pythone3.9_32 will be used for DNF?
    What is the difference between python3 in /opt/freeware/libexec from that in /opt/freeware/bin ? except it's 32bit. One solution to my problem is symbolic link python3  to /opt/freeware/libexec/python3 but it's probably not the best idea.


    Kamil P

  • 28.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 22, 2023 11:48 AM

    Hello SANGAMESH,

    You mentioned "Our repo data information is already updated with python3.9". Does that mean if we download again the repo file 'ESD-Toolbox_for_Linux_Apps_Common_7.1-7.3_122022_LKT010325.tar.gz' now, we will get the new repository file containing all python 3.9.16 updated packages?



    Mi Wang

  • 29.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 23, 2023 04:14 AM
    Edited by SANGAMESH MALLAYYA Fri June 23, 2023 04:14 AM

    Hi Mi,

    Okay. The repository you created with toolbox iso/tar.gz you won't be having latest updated python3.9.

    Image is update mostly once in 6 months. Next updated image will have python3.9 and other updated packages.

    We will check if we can have some other way so that repo created with iso/tar.gz also possible to have latest updates.


  • 30.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 23, 2023 03:50 AM

    The default python3 is always 64bit in python3.7 & python3.9 and going to be like that in the future also.

    In AIX 7.1 & 7.2 , rpm.rte package is a 32bit build and hence the dnf is also 32bit. So if you want to import dnf modules through python3, then you have to use 32bit python3 which is "/opt/freeware/libexec/python3.9_32". 

    The reason for putting the 32bit binaries in /opt/freeware/libexec/ is to encourage the users to use only 64bit python3 available in /opt/freeware/bin and prevent the usage of 32bit python3 as much as possible. 

    Ayappan P

  • 31.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 03:21 AM

    Hello Ayappan,
    I have updated the modules "dnf" to version "4.2.17" and Python to "3.9.16".
    Now when I run a playbook with "dnf" I get an error:

    "Could not import the dnf python module using /opt/freeware/bin/python3 (3.9.16 (main, Apr  5 2023, 02:48:48) [GCC 10.3.0]). Please install `python3-dnf` or `python2-dnf` package or ensure you have specified the correct ansible_python_interpreter. (attempted ['/usr/libexec/platform-python', '/usr/bin/python3', '/usr/bin/python2', '/usr/bin/python'])"

    I had to customize the playbook:
    Set "ansible_python_interpreter: /opt/freeware/libexec/python3".

    Question: Which component is not yet 64bit capable?

    We are using AIX 7.2.


    António Ferreira

  • 32.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 03:46 AM

    Hi Antonio,

    The answer is already there in the second paragraph of my thread. 

    " In AIX 7.1 & 7.2 , rpm.rte package is a 32bit build and hence the dnf is also 32bit. So if you want to import dnf modules through python3, then you have to use 32bit python3 which is /opt/freeware/libexec/python3.9_32 " 

    Ayappan P

  • 33.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 23, 2023 12:08 PM

    So I get these same *.py errors when I try and run a dnf update. How do I get around this? Does anyone know?

    # dnf update

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "/opt/freeware/bin/dnf", line 58, in <module>

        from dnf.cli import main

      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 30, in <module>

        import dnf.base

      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 29, in <module>

        import libdnf.transaction

      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 3, in <module>

        from . import common_types

      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 13, in <module>

        from . import _common_types

    ImportError: Symbol resolution failed for /opt/freeware/lib64/libdnf.a( because:

            Symbol _ZZNSt19_Sp_make_shared_tag5_S_tiEvE5__tag (number 270) is not exported from dependent

              module /opt/freeware/lib/pthread/libstdc++.a(

            Symbol _ZTSSt19_Sp_make_shared_tag (number 271) is not exported from dependent

              module /opt/freeware/lib/pthread/libstdc++.a(

    Examine .loader section symbols with the 'dump -Tv' command.

    Scott Brown
    America First Credit Union
    Riverdale UT

  • 34.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 02:08 AM

    Hi Scott.

    Did you solve this error? Can you tell me how?
    I have the exact same error on two out of 16 systems after the update...

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    best regards

    Joerg Kauke
    Unix Administrator
    COOP Switzerland

  • 35.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 04:33 AM

    My colleague found a kind of solution as following:

    rpm -ivh libgcc10-10.3.0-6.aix7.3.ppc.rpm
    rpm -ivh libstdcplusplus10-10.3.0-6.aix7.3.ppc.rpm
    rpm -ivh libgomp10-10.3.0-6.aix7.3.ppc.rpm
    cd /opt/freeware/lib64
    ln -sf ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libatomic.a libatomic.a
    ln -sf ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libgcc_s.a libgcc_s.a
    ln -sf ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libgomp.a libgomp.a
    ln -sf ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libstdc++.a libstdc++.a
    cd /opt/freeware/lib/pthread/
    ln -sf ./gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/pthread/libatomic.a libatomic.a
    ln -sf ./gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/pthread/libatomic.a libatomic.a
    ln -sf ./gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/pthread/libgcc_s.a libgcc_s.a
    ln -sf ./gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/pthread/libgomp.a libgomp.a
    ln -sf ./gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/pthread/libstdc++.a libstdc++.a

    But this is not a solution that I want to build in my update script. Please Team, could you get into this and provide a better solution ?

    Thanks a lot...

    Joerg Kauke
    Unix Administrator
    COOP Switzerland

  • 36.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 05:02 AM

    Hi Joerg,

    This will always be the case if metapackges (libgcc-10, libstdc++-10) are installed correctly.

    And these packages will be installed by default with dnf update.

    # cd /opt/freeware/lib64

    # ls -l libgcc* libstdc* libatomic* libgomp*
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           54 Nov 30 2021  libatomic.a -> ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libatomic.a
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           53 Nov 30 2021  libgcc_s.a -> ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libgcc_s.a
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           52 Nov 30 2021  libgomp.a -> ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libgomp.a
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           54 Nov 30 2021  libstdc++.a -> ../lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libstdc++.a

    # rpm -qf /opt/freeware/lib64/libgcc_s.a /opt/freeware/lib64/libstdc++.a

    # rpm -qf /opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libgcc_s.a

    # rpm -qf /opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/ppc64/libstdc++.a


  • 37.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 05:36 AM

    Hello Sangamesh,

    thanks for your fast response.
    We are migrating all our systems from AIX 7.2 TL5 to AIX 7.3 TL1 now. Alway in the night once a wekk 16 systems. All work is done by scripts...
    One of these scripts is a edited version of your dnf install script. Just the download the dnf package from a local server...

    How can I now solve this issue? In my script I uninstall all old rpm belonging to the old dnf version and then install the dnf package with your script.
    Installation is always successfull, but dnf brings up these lib error on some systems.
    Do I have to install these three lib rpm's mentioned above before I migrate the system to AIX 7.3?

    Please help me out here...

    best regards

    Joerg Kauke
    Unix Administrator
    COOP Switzerland

  • 38.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 07:50 AM

    Hi Joerg,

    If I understand correctly, I think some systems are having libgcc10 and libstdc++10 and no meta packages(libgcc-10, libstdc++-10).

    You had any older libgcc and libstdc++ installed already on these machines ?


  • 39.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 08:01 AM

    Hi Sangamesh,

    these are the packages installed actually on a fresh migrated system with newly installed dnf, where we have the lib errors:


    so libgcc is installed in version 8.1 as well as libstdc++

    Should I uninstall these before I install the dnf version for AIX 7.3???

    kind regards

    Joerg Kauke
    Unix Administrator
    COOP Switzerland

  • 40.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 11:33 AM
    Edited by SANGAMESH MALLAYYA Fri July 07, 2023 11:32 AM

    Hi Joerg,

    gcc10 is now the default gcc on all aix version and in most of the cases libgcc and libstdc++ would be update to latest ones.

    But anyway i have updated bundle to take care of this case as well.

    Please try with the latest bundle and let me know the result.


  • 41.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 23, 2023 02:50 AM
      |   view attached

    Hello I have problem with dnf update on aix 7.3 TL1 SP2. It worked long time, before 1-2 weeks appeared problem.I attached txt file with errors. Please help correct it.

    Juraj Petráš


    dnf-update-problem.txt   52 KB 1 version

  • 42.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 23, 2023 11:38 AM


    Thanks for the information related to the update for repository image. Meantime, can IBM provide a list for all python3.9.16 upgraded packages?



    Mi Wang

  • 43.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon June 26, 2023 04:13 AM

    Hello @Juraj Petráš

    The error with " librpm.a( " you´ll get when you are not on the newest version of rpm.rte, in case of AIX 7.3 it is rpm.rte.

    Download here:

    RPM Package Manager for AIX 7.3




    Stephan Dietl

  • 44.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Wed June 28, 2023 10:20 AM

    I update rpm to version rpm.rte-

    ann dnf update

    dnf update
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/freeware/bin/dnf", line 58, in <module>
        from dnf.cli import main
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 30, in <module>
        import dnf.base
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 31, in <module>
        from dnf.comps import CompsQuery
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 313, in <module>
        class Package(Forwarder):
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 317, in Package
    AttributeError: module 'libcomps' has no attribute 'PACKAGE_TYPE_CONDITIONAL'

    long time dnf update worked with aix 7.3 without problem next update didn't work

    Juraj Petráš

  • 45.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 01:48 AM

    Hi Juraj,

    This problem happens when we do dnf update without updating rpm.rte to the latest one as per the recommendation.

    The required packages aren't in sync.

    Here libcomps has been updated to python3-libcomps-0.1.15-101 but failed to update python3-3.9.16-2.ppc.

    python3-libcomps-0.1.15-101 isn't compatible with python3-3.7.x.

    Hence it's necessary to update both python3.9 and python3-libcomps.

    To workaround current situation one option would be to remove some of the DNF specific packages.

    rpm -e libcomps python3.9-libcomps python3-libcomps python3-dnf dnf dnf-automatic dnf-data libdnf python3-hawkey python3-libdnf

    And run script which should take care of updating to latest rpm.rte and installing required packages and then do the "dnf update".



  • 46.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 01:13 AM


    After following the instructions from above, and attempting to install the rpm file, I am getting the following error:

    bash-5.1# installp -qaXFY -d . rpm.rte.
                        Pre-installation Verification...
    Verifying selections...done
    Verifying requisites...done
      Filesets listed in this section failed pre-installation verification
      and will not be installed.
      Missing Filesets
      The following filesets could not be found on the installation media.
      If you feel these filesets really are on the media, check for typographical
      errors in the name specified or, if installing from directory, check for
      discrepancies between the Table of Contents file (.toc) and the images that
      reside in the directory.
      << End of Failure Section >>
                       BUILDDATE Verification ...
    Verifying build dates...done
                       BUILDDATE Verification ...
    Verifying build dates...done
        1  Selected to be installed, of which:
            1  FAILED pre-installation verification
        0  Total to be installed
    Pre-installation Failure/Warning Summary
    Name                      Level           Pre-installation Failure/Warning
    rpm.rte.                       Not found on the installation media

    Am I missing something from the downloads page For AIX 7.1 and 7.2: Download and install rpm.rte-



    Sean S

  • 47.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 04:54 AM

    Hello @sype !

    Have you run `inutoc .` in the directory you placed the rpm.rte?

    Mine looks like that:

    total 84240
    drwxr-xr-x    4 root     system          152 May 04 14:10 ..
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     system     43051008 May 04 14:11 rpm.rte.
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     system          152 May 04 14:11 .
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     system         8328 May 04 14:11 .toc

    Running your command led me to the same error:

     installp -qaXFY -d . rpm.rte.
                        Pre-installation Verification...
    Verifying selections...done
    Verifying requisites...done

      Filesets listed in this section failed pre-installation verification
      and will not be installed.

      Missing Filesets
      The following filesets could not be found on the installation media.
      If you feel these filesets really are on the media, check for typographical
      errors in the name specified or, if installing from directory, check for
      discrepancies between the Table of Contents file (.toc) and the images that
      reside in the directory.


    But if you just install rpm.rte it works:

     installp -qaXFY -d . rpm.rte            
                        Pre-installation Verification...
    Verifying selections...done
    Verifying requisites...done

      Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verification
      and will be installed.

      Selected Filesets
      rpm.rte                         # RPM Package Manager





    Stephan Dietl

  • 48.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 10:52 AM

    Thank you for the reply @Stephan Dietl . I renamed the file and did an installp, it was successful. 

    Now when I attempt to get `dnf updated`, I am getting the following: 

    bash-5.1# dnf update
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/freeware/bin/dnf", line 57, in <module>
        from dnf.cli import main
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 32, in <module>
        import dnf.base
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 31, in <module>
        from dnf.comps import CompsQuery
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 313, in <module>
        class Package(Forwarder):
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dnf/", line 317, in Package
    AttributeError: module 'libcomps' has no attribute 'PACKAGE_TYPE_CONDITIONAL'

    Sean S

  • 49.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 09:41 AM


    I am pretty new to IBM AIX, and have a generic question. I downloaded the "rpm" file from the and moved it to the server. When I attempt to install the rpm file I get the following error: 

    bash-5.1# rpm -ivh rpm.rte.
    error: rpm.rte. not an rpm package (or package manifest):

    Sean S

  • 50.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 09:52 AM

    rpm.rte is not a rpm file but a  installp need to use the installp command to install/update it.

    for example:

    installp -Y -d path_to_fileset latest all

    I regret starting this entire conversation

  • 51.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 10:43 AM

    I was able to get around this by installing a different rpm.rte file. I am still having an issue getting dnf update to work though. 

    Sean S

  • 52.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu June 29, 2023 11:50 AM

    I'm getting these kinds of errors when trying to update or install the latest bundle on my AIX 7.3 box:

    Checking whether any of the rpms from dnf_bundle are already installed...
    Takes couple of minutes to process.
    ca-certificates-2021.2.52-3.ppc will be updated to ca-certificates-2023.2.60-0
    dnf-4.2.17-64_51.ppc will be updated to dnf-4.2.17-64_6
    dnf-automatic-4.2.17-64_51.ppc will be updated to dnf-automatic-4.2.17-64_6
    dnf-data-4.2.17-64_51.ppc will be updated to dnf-data-4.2.17-64_6
    libcomps-0.1.11-101.ppc will be updated to libcomps-0.1.15-64_1
    Skipping libdnf-0.39.1-64_4 as higher version libdnf-0.39.1-64_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libmodulemd-1.5.2-64_2 as higher version libmodulemd-1.5.2-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping librepo-1.11.0-64_2 as higher version librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libsmartcols-2.34-64_1 as higher version libsmartcols-2.34-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libsolv-0.7.9-64_3 as higher version libsolv-0.7.9-64_50.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libzstd-1.4.4-64_2 as higher version libzstd-1.5.2-1.ppc is installed.
    Skipping p11-kit-0.23.22-0 as higher version p11-kit-0.23.22-1.ppc is installed.
    Skipping p11-kit-tools-0.23.22-0 as higher version p11-kit-tools-0.23.22-1.ppc is installed.
    python3-3.7.15-2.ppc will be updated to python3-3.9.16-0
    python3-devel-3.7.15-2.ppc will be updated to python3-devel-3.9.16-0
    python3-dnf-4.2.17-64_51.ppc will be updated to python3-dnf-4.2.17-64_6
    Skipping python3-gpg-1.13.1-64_3 as higher version python3-gpg-1.13.1-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_4 as higher version python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_51.ppc is installed.
    python3-libcomps-0.1.11-101.ppc will be updated to python3-libcomps-0.1.15-64_1
    Skipping python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_4 as higher version python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-librepo-1.11.0-64_2 as higher version python3-librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc is installed.
    python3.9-3.9.16-0 will be installed
    python3.9-dnf-4.2.17-64_6 will be installed
    python3.9-gpg-1.13.1-64_3 will be installed
    python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-64_4 will be installed
    python3.9-libcomps-0.1.15-64_1 will be installed
    python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1-64_4 will be installed
    python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-64_2 will be installed
    rpm-python3-4.15.1-64_2.ppc will be updated to rpm-python3-4.15.1-64_3
    rpm-python3.9-4.15.1-64_3 will be installed
    yum-4.2.17-64_6 will be installed
    Skipping zchunk-libs-1.1.4-64_3 as higher version zchunk-libs-1.1.4-102.ppc is installed.
    Installing the packages...
    error: Failed dependencies:
   is needed by (installed) python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_51.ppc
   is needed by (installed) python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_51.ppc
   is needed by (installed) python3-librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc
            python3.9-devel = 3.9.16-0 is needed by python3-devel-3.9.16-0.ppc
            libdnf = 0.39.1-64_4 is needed by python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-64_4.ppc
            libdnf = 0.39.1-64_4 is needed by python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1-64_4.ppc
            librepo = 1.11.0-64_2 is needed by python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-64_2.ppc
    It looks like someone versioned the NEW stuff to look older than the OLD rpms and I can't update.
    How are we supposed to update if we already have dnf installed?

    Howard Coles

  • 53.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 01:55 AM

    Hi Howard,

    We have updated bundle yesterday.

    Can you retry it again and let us know if it works.


  • 54.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 01:21 PM

    I just tried and getting the same error for an AIX 7.2 box.  I was able to update an AIX 7.3 server, so yay for that.

    AIX 7.2 TL5 SP6 when I try to update I get the same conflicts and version mismatches.

    When I try to just install the dnf bundle (hoping it would upgrade DNF I get the following: (which matches what I get when I do dnf upgrade)

    ca-certificates-2021.2.52-3.ppc will be updated to ca-certificates-2023.2.60-0
    Skipping dnf-4.2.17-32_4 as higher version dnf-4.2.17-32_50.ppc is installed.
    Skipping dnf-automatic-4.2.17-32_4 as higher version dnf-automatic-4.2.17-32_50.ppc is installed.
    Skipping dnf-data-4.2.17-32_4 as higher version dnf-data-4.2.17-32_50.ppc is installed.
    libcomps-0.1.11-101.ppc will be updated to libcomps-0.1.15-32_1
    Skipping libdnf-0.39.1-32_3 as higher version libdnf-0.39.1-32_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libmodulemd-1.5.2-32_2 as higher version libmodulemd-1.5.2-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping librepo-1.11.0-32_2 as higher version librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libsmartcols-2.34-32_1 as higher version libsmartcols-2.34-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libsolv-0.7.9-32_2 as higher version libsolv-0.7.9-32_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libzstd-1.4.4-32_1 as higher version libzstd-1.5.2-1.ppc is installed.
    Skipping p11-kit-0.23.22-0 as higher version p11-kit-0.23.22-1.ppc is installed.
    Skipping p11-kit-tools-0.23.22-0 as higher version p11-kit-tools-0.23.22-1.ppc is installed.
    python3-3.7.15-2.ppc will be updated to python3-3.9.16-0
    Skipping python3-dnf-4.2.17-32_4 as higher version python3-dnf-4.2.17-32_50.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-gpg-1.13.1-32_3 as higher version python3-gpg-1.13.1-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-hawkey-0.39.1-32_3 as higher version python3-hawkey-0.39.1-32_51.ppc is installed.
    python3-libcomps-0.1.11-101.ppc will be updated to python3-libcomps-0.1.15-32_1
    Skipping python3-libdnf-0.39.1-32_3 as higher version python3-libdnf-0.39.1-32_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-librepo-1.11.0-32_2 as higher version python3-librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc is installed.
    python3.9-3.9.16-0 will be installed
    python3.9-dnf-4.2.17-32_4 will be installed
    python3.9-gpg-1.13.1-32_3 will be installed
    python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-32_3 will be installed
    python3.9-libcomps-0.1.15-32_1 will be installed
    python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1-32_3 will be installed
    python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-32_2 will be installed
    rpm-python3-4.15.1-32_1.ppc will be updated to rpm-python3-4.15.1-32_2
    rpm-python3.9-4.15.1-32_2 will be installed
    Skipping zchunk-libs-1.1.4-32_2 as higher version zchunk-libs-1.1.4-102.ppc is installed.
    Installing the packages...
    error: Failed dependencies:
   is needed by (installed) python3-libdnf-0.39.1-32_51.ppc
   is needed by (installed) python3-hawkey-0.39.1-32_51.ppc
   is needed by (installed) python3-librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc
            /opt/freeware/bin/python3_32 is needed by (installed) python3-dnf-4.2.17-32_50.ppc
            /opt/freeware/bin/python3_32 is needed by (installed) dnf-4.2.17-32_50.ppc
            /opt/freeware/bin/python3_32 is needed by (installed) dnf-automatic-4.2.17-32_50.ppc
            dnf-data = 4.2.17-32_4 is needed by python3.9-dnf-4.2.17-32_4.noarch
            libdnf = 0.39.1-32_3 is needed by python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-32_3.ppc
            libdnf = 0.39.1-32_3 is needed by python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1-32_3.ppc
            librepo = 1.11.0-32_2 is needed by python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-32_2.ppc
    dnf installation failed. 

    Howard Coles

  • 55.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Sat July 01, 2023 10:47 AM

    Since you have DNF which is already updated from DNF repository who are still dependent on pytho3-3.7.

    Here the correct method is to do dnf update which should be updating DNF to python3.9 based.

    What's the error you are seeing when you do "dnf update" ?

    Before running dnf update rpm.rte needs to be updated to latest version.


  • 56.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon July 03, 2023 04:02 PM



    I downloaded, what I think to be the latest script, from the link on your DNF website. It says that everything is already installed. Here is the output when I try and run dnf update:


    root:afcuwasprd1 /tmp # dnf update

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "/opt/freeware/bin/dnf", line 58, in <module>

        from dnf.cli import main

      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 30, in <module>

        import dnf.base

      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 29, in <module>

        import libdnf.transaction

      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 3, in <module>

        from . import common_types

      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 13, in <module>

        from . import _common_types


    root:afcuwasprd1 /tmp # lslpp -L rpm.rte

      Fileset                      Level  State  Type  Description (Uninstaller)


      rpm.rte          C     F    RPM Package Manager



    That rpm.rte is the latest fileset, correct?





  • 57.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Tue July 04, 2023 08:56 AM

    Hi Scott,

    The output seems to be truncated. Please paste the error output one more time.


  • 58.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu July 06, 2023 12:59 PM



    I wish there was more information. It isn't truncated. That is all that it outputs. If you would like to get on a quick call to see what is happening I am very willing.




    Scott D Brown

    Unix/Linux Systems Administrator

    Team Lead- *nix Systems, Messaging/Middleware, Websphere, zVM and OpenShift

    signature_291318591America First Credit Union


    ( Office: (801)827-8271

    signature_1565529817Mobile: (801) 710-9238




  • 59.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 11:36 AM

    Hi Scott,

    Please try with the latest bundle and let me know the result 


  • 60.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri July 07, 2023 06:31 PM



    Whatever you did fixed the issue. It is working now. Thank you so very much!




  • 61.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 01:52 AM

    Hi Sean,

    Can you provide the output of  rpm -qa | egrep "libcomps|python3" ?


  • 62.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 08:41 AM

    Thank you so much for helping on this @SANGAMESH MALLAYYA

    Bellow is the output: 

    bash-5.1# rpm -qa | egrep "libcomps|python3"

    Sean S

  • 63.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 11:30 AM

    Hi Sean,

    This error is similar to @Juraj Petráš had.

    I think somehow dnf update was done with --nobest or --skip-broken without updating rpm.rte to latest version.

    Packages aren't in sync and python3-libcomps isn't compatible with pytho3-3.7.x

    One option here is run the below steps.

    1. rpm -e libcomps python3.9-libcomps python3-libcomps python3-dnf dnf dnf-automatic dnf-data libdnf python3-hawkey python3-libdnf librepo python3-librepo
    2. run the script
    3. run dnf update to update the latest toolbox repo.


  • 64.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Fri June 30, 2023 05:40 PM



    Thank you for responding.


    I guess at the end of the rpm -e I would need to put like –nodeps? It won't uninstall because of dependencies.


    So after I did the above I ran the -y. It updated successfully but I get the following error after it updates.


    Trying to create pkg_yumdb database required for migrate plugin

    Successfully created pkg_yumdb database


    Trying to run dnf migrate to migrate yum database to dnf.

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "/opt/freeware/bin/dnf", line 58, in <module>

        from dnf.cli import main

      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 30, in <module>

        import dnf.base

      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 29, in <module>

        import libdnf.transaction

      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 3, in <module>

        from . import common_types

      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 13, in <module>

        from . import _common_types


    error: File not found by glob: yum-*


    What is the proper way to migrate these after I moved from AIX 7.2 -> AIX 7.3?




  • 65.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Sat July 01, 2023 10:53 AM

    Hi Scott,

    It is not clear to me if your environment is DNF completely or it is still YUM or you had both DNF and YUM before trying these steps ?

    From the output it seems to had YUM installed and script would try to migrate to DNF.

    You have complete output or details of rpms installed before trying these steps.


  • 66.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu July 06, 2023 07:00 PM

    did you run "dnf update" after you ran the -y script?

    Here are the updated versions after I ran 'dnf update'

      libcomps-0.1.15-101.ppc                librepo-1.11.0-102.ppc                 python3-libcomps-0.1.15-101.ppc
      python3-librepo-1.11.0-102.ppc         python3.9-libcomps-0.1.15-101.ppc      python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-102.ppc
      dnf-4.2.17-64_53.ppc                   dnf-automatic-4.2.17-64_53.ppc         dnf-data-4.2.17-64_53.ppc
      libdnf-0.39.1-64_52.ppc                python3-dnf-4.2.17-64_53.ppc           python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_52.ppc
      python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_52.ppc        python3.9-dnf-4.2.17-64_53.ppc         python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-64_52.ppc

    Jan Harris
    AIX Development Support (Liaison to the AIX Toolbox for Open Source)
    IBM (Contract)
    Austin TX

  • 67.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Wed July 05, 2023 06:21 PM


    Thanks again for all the help. That was exactly my issue. A yum update --nobest was issued and it borked yum/dnf/python. 

    Once I uninstalled the broken rpm packages using: 

    rpm -e libcomps python3.9-libcomps python3-libcomps python3-dnf dnf dnf-automatic dnf-data libdnf python3-hawkey python3-libdnf librepo python3-librepo

    as well as a few others, ran the script, then did a dnf update, yum/dnf started working again. 

    I also had to modify where python3 was called with some user $PATH issues, as well as fixed where pip was being called from. 

    I am up and running again. 



    Sean S

  • 68.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Thu July 06, 2023 06:50 PM
    Edited by Jan Harris Thu July 06, 2023 06:55 PM
    Sharing my results in case others benefit from this:
    I was already at python3.9, so my results are a little different. I tested out some "nodeps" updates to hose up my dnf installation so I could step through a cleanup, as one of my customers had some similar conflicts.
    First, I had used Sangamesh's instructions
    rpm -e libcomps python3.9-libcomps python3-libcomps python3-dnf dnf dnf-automatic dnf-data libdnf python3-hawkey python3-libdnf librepo python3-librepo python3.9-libdnf
    I tried to run the script but I had additional errors, in this case it was the python3.9 packages...
    error: Failed dependencies:
            python3.9-hawkey = 0.39.1-64_4 is needed by python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_4.ppc
            python3.9-libdnf = 0.39.1-64_4 is needed by python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_4.ppc
            python3.9-librepo = 1.11.0-64_2 is needed by python3-librepo-1.11.0-64_2.ppc
    So I removed those 
     rpm -e python3.9-librepo python3.9-dnf python3.9-hawkey --nodeps 
    Then I ran the 
     /tmp/dnf-20230706172218/ (that is where the bundle was unpacked, no need to run the again)
    Then I ran 'dnf update' to update to the latest repo versions.

    Jan Harris
    AIX Development Support (Liaison to the AIX Toolbox for Open Source)
    IBM (Contract)
    Austin TX

  • 69.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Tue May 21, 2024 05:00 PM


    Thanks for the summary and that did get me past the install but, after the dnf update - dnf fails again with the same error I get if I upgrade to 7300.02-.01.  At this point I elected to address dnf before the upgrade of the OS.  It appears the dnf update re-instroduces the issue.

    raceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/bin/dnf", line 58, in <module>
        from dnf.cli import main
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 30, in <module>
        import dnf.base
      File "/opt/freeware/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dnf/", line 29, in <module>
        import libdnf.transaction
      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 3, in <module>
        from . import common_types
      File "/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/", line 13, in <module>
        from . import _common_types
    ImportError:    0509-022 Cannot load module /opt/freeware/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/libdnf/
            0509-150   Dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/libffi.a( could not be loaded.
            0509-152   Member is not found in archive

    # rpm -qa | grep libffi

    I will keep reading the post to see if there are new discoveries.  Your summary gets me a little further down the rabbit hole.

    Robert Gordon

  • 70.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon August 07, 2023 11:01 AM

    I have a box where I don't want to keep any installed toolbox package. Whats the easiest way to get the latest python on it?

    I did dnf update that gave rpm errors,

    The I did rpm -e a bunch of packages,

    Then I ran sudo -d

    Now I get this:

        48  10:35   sudo dnf update
        49  10:46   rpm -e libcomps python3.9-libcomps python3-libcomps python3-dnf dnf dnf-automatic dnf-data libdnf python3-hawkey python3-libdnf librepo python3-librepo python3.9-libdnf
        50  10:46   sudo rpm -e libcomps python3.9-libcomps python3-libcomps python3-dnf dnf dnf-automatic dnf-data libdnf python3-hawkey python3-libdnf librepo python3-librepo python3.9-libdnf
        51  10:46   sudo dnf update
        52  10:49   cd
        53  10:49   cd projects/
        54  10:49   cd ibm_python_brtl
        55  10:49   ls
        56  10:49   ./
        57  10:50   sudo /nethome/pmilosla/projects/ibm_python_brtl
        58  10:50   sudo ./
        59  10:50   sudo ./ -d
        60  10:58   history

    pmilosla@REMOTE@p9aixdev4-openxl:ibm_python_brtl> sudo ./ -d
    Attempting download of dnf_bundle_aix_73.tar ...
    Saving to 'dnf_bundle_aix_73.tar'...
    216 MB received in 85 seconds (2.55 MB/sec)                                 

    Extracting dnf_bundle_aix_73.tar ...
    x ca-certificates-2023.2.60-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 991065 bytes, 1936 tape blocks
    x dnf-4.2.17-64_6.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 11392 bytes, 23 tape blocks
    x dnf-automatic-4.2.17-64_6.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 12850 bytes, 26 tape blocks
    x dnf-data-4.2.17-64_6.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 26209 bytes, 52 tape blocks
    x extra_list, 384 bytes, 1 tape blocks
    x, 15769 bytes, 31 tape blocks
    x libcomps-0.1.15-64_1.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 1312174 bytes, 2563 tape blocks
    x libdnf-0.39.1-64_5.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 16515586 bytes, 32258 tape blocks
    x libmodulemd-1.5.2-64_2.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 3562173 bytes, 6958 tape blocks
    x librepo-1.11.0-64_2.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 4010051 bytes, 7833 tape blocks
    x libsmartcols-2.34-64_1.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 187658 bytes, 367 tape blocks
    x libsolv-0.7.9-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 1556681 bytes, 3041 tape blocks
    x libzstd-1.4.4-64_2.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 473729 bytes, 926 tape blocks
    x p11-kit-0.23.22-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 2148539 bytes, 4197 tape blocks
    x p11-kit-tools-0.23.22-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 274086 bytes, 536 tape blocks
    x python3-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 6176 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x python3-dateutil-2.8.0-2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 6128 bytes, 12 tape blocks
    x python3-devel-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 6204 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x python3-dnf-4.2.17-64_6.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 7963 bytes, 16 tape blocks
    x python3-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16-64_2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 6580 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16-64_2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 6792 bytes, 14 tape blocks
    x python3-gpg-1.13.1-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 5724 bytes, 12 tape blocks
    x python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_5.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 5756 bytes, 12 tape blocks
    x python3-idle-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 6196 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x python3-libcomps-0.1.15-64_1.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 13276 bytes, 26 tape blocks
    x python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_5.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 5756 bytes, 12 tape blocks
    x python3-librepo-1.11.0-64_2.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 12776 bytes, 25 tape blocks
    x python3-six-1.13.0-2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 5820 bytes, 12 tape blocks
    x python3-test-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 6196 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x python3-tkinter-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 6216 bytes, 13 tape blocks
    x python3.9-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 56782290 bytes, 110903 tape blocks
    x python3.9-dateutil-2.8.0-2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 310485 bytes, 607 tape blocks
    x python3.9-devel-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 19947643 bytes, 38961 tape blocks
    x python3.9-dnf-4.2.17-64_6.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 197158 bytes, 386 tape blocks
    x python3.9-dnf-plugin-migrate-4.0.16-64_2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 8297 bytes, 17 tape blocks
    x python3.9-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.16-64_2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 33701 bytes, 66 tape blocks
    x python3.9-gpg-1.13.1-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 1474348 bytes, 2880 tape blocks
    x python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-64_5.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 3339964 bytes, 6524 tape blocks
    x python3.9-idle-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 2328852 bytes, 4549 tape blocks
    x python3.9-libcomps-0.1.15-64_1.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 1075760 bytes, 2102 tape blocks
    x python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1-64_5.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 24255270 bytes, 47374 tape blocks
    x python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-64_2.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 2471631 bytes, 4828 tape blocks
    x python3.9-six-1.13.0-2.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 45630 bytes, 90 tape blocks
    x python3.9-test-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 33159212 bytes, 64765 tape blocks
    x python3.9-tkinter-3.9.16-0.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 1162787 bytes, 2272 tape blocks
    x rpm-python3-4.15.1-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 9608 bytes, 19 tape blocks
    x rpm-python3.9-4.15.1-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 100414 bytes, 197 tape blocks
    x rpm.rte, 47110144 bytes, 92012 tape blocks
    x rpmlibs32-, 732104 bytes, 1430 tape blocks
    x yum-4.2.17-64_6.aix7.1.noarch.rpm, 11234 bytes, 22 tape blocks
    x zchunk-1.1.4-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 491789 bytes, 961 tape blocks
    x zchunk-devel-1.1.4-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 19314 bytes, 38 tape blocks
    x zchunk-libs-1.1.4-64_3.aix7.1.ppc.rpm, 560016 bytes, 1094 tape blocks

    Installing rpm.rte at the latest version ...
    This may take several minutes depending on the number of rpms installed...
                        Pre-installation Verification...
    Verifying selections...done
    Verifying requisites...done

      Problems described in this section are not likely to be the source of any
      immediate or serious failures, but further actions may be necessary or

      Already Installed
      The number of selected filesets that are either already installed
      or effectively installed through superseding filesets is 1.  See
      the summaries at the end of this installation for details.

      NOTE:  Base level filesets may be reinstalled using the "Force"
      option (-F flag), or they may be removed, using the deinstall or
      "Remove Software Products" facility (-u flag), and then reinstalled.

      << End of Warning Section >>

                       BUILDDATE Verification ...
    Verifying build dates...done
        1  Selected to be installed, of which:
            1  Already installed (directly or via superseding filesets)
        0  Total to be installed

    Pre-installation Failure/Warning Summary
    Name                      Level           Pre-installation Failure/Warning
    rpm.rte              Already installed

    Checking whether any of the rpms from dnf_bundle are already installed...
    Takes couple of minutes to process.

    ca-certificates-2021.2.52-3.ppc will be updated to ca-certificates-2023.2.60-0
    Skipping dnf-4.2.17-64_6 as higher version dnf-4.2.17-64_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping dnf-automatic-4.2.17-64_6 as higher version dnf-automatic-4.2.17-64_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping dnf-data-4.2.17-64_6 as higher version dnf-data-4.2.17-64_51.ppc is installed.
    libcomps-0.1.11-101.ppc will be updated to libcomps-0.1.15-64_1
    Skipping libdnf-0.39.1-64_5 as higher version libdnf-0.39.1-64_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libmodulemd-1.5.2-64_2 as higher version libmodulemd-1.5.2-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping librepo-1.11.0-64_2 as higher version librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libsmartcols-2.34-64_1 as higher version libsmartcols-2.34-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libsolv-0.7.9-64_3 as higher version libsolv-0.7.9-64_50.ppc is installed.
    Skipping libzstd-1.4.4-64_2 as higher version libzstd-1.5.2-1.ppc is installed.
    Skipping p11-kit-0.23.22-0 as higher version p11-kit-0.23.22-1.ppc is installed.
    Skipping p11-kit-tools-0.23.22-0 as higher version p11-kit-tools-0.23.22-1.ppc is installed.
    python3-3.7.15-2.ppc will be updated to python3-3.9.16-0
    python3-devel-3.7.15-2.ppc will be updated to python3-devel-3.9.16-0
    Skipping python3-dnf-4.2.17-64_6 as higher version python3-dnf-4.2.17-64_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-gpg-1.13.1-64_3 as higher version python3-gpg-1.13.1-100.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_5 as higher version python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_51.ppc is installed.
    python3-libcomps-0.1.11-101.ppc will be updated to python3-libcomps-0.1.15-64_1
    Skipping python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_5 as higher version python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_51.ppc is installed.
    Skipping python3-librepo-1.11.0-64_2 as higher version python3-librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc is installed.
    python3.9-3.9.16-0 will be installed
    python3.9-devel-3.9.16-0 will be installed
    python3.9-dnf-4.2.17-64_6 will be installed
    python3.9-gpg-1.13.1-64_3 will be installed
    python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-64_5 will be installed
    python3.9-libcomps-0.1.15-64_1 will be installed
    python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1-64_5 will be installed
    python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-64_2 will be installed
    rpm-python3-4.15.1-64_2.ppc will be updated to rpm-python3-4.15.1-64_3
    rpm-python3.9-4.15.1-64_3 will be installed
    Skipping zchunk-libs-1.1.4-64_3 as higher version zchunk-libs-1.1.4-102.ppc is installed.

    Installing the packages...

    error: Failed dependencies:
            libpython3.7m.a( is needed by (installed) gdb-10.2-3.ppc
   is needed by (installed) python3-libdnf-0.39.1-64_51.ppc
   is needed by (installed) python3-hawkey-0.39.1-64_51.ppc
   is needed by (installed) python3-librepo-1.11.0-101.ppc
            /opt/freeware/bin/python3 is needed by (installed) python3-dnf-4.2.17-64_51.ppc
            /opt/freeware/bin/python3 is needed by (installed) dnf-4.2.17-64_51.ppc
            /opt/freeware/bin/python3 is needed by (installed) dnf-automatic-4.2.17-64_51.ppc
            dnf-data = 4.2.17-64_6 is needed by python3.9-dnf-4.2.17-64_6.noarch
            libdnf = 0.39.1-64_5 is needed by python3.9-hawkey-0.39.1-64_5.ppc
            libdnf = 0.39.1-64_5 is needed by python3.9-libdnf-0.39.1-64_5.ppc
            librepo = 1.11.0-64_2 is needed by python3.9-librepo-1.11.0-64_2.ppc

    dnf installation failed. 
    If the failure was due to a space issue, increase the size of /opt and re-run the script again.
    Another reason for failure could be mixing of Toolbox packages and packages from other sources.

    You can try installing the downloaded dnf packages from /tmp/dnf-20230807105852 manually.

    philip miloslavsky

  • 71.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Mon August 07, 2023 12:24 PM

    I started doing dnf remove of a bunch of packages and eventually dnf update worked. Not sure if the script would work though.

    philip miloslavsky

  • 72.  RE: Migrating to python3.9 for AIX Toolbox python3 ecosystem

    Posted Wed August 09, 2023 01:50 PM

    Hi Phil

    Since these "announcement" threads tend to be more "FYI" it is best to raise issues in form of a new thread/question to ensure prompt attention to your current request.

    FYI:  I have a blog with an example of removing ALL the packages so you can start over again.  I do this rather frequently on many AIX test lpars.

    • AIX Open Source Support Tips - Remove all RPMs from system and install DNF

    Jan Harris
    AIX Development Support (Liaison to the AIX Toolbox for Open Source)
    IBM (Contract)
    Austin TX