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  • 1.  issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 04:42 AM

    Hello Team, 

    Im getting the below error after installtion and running the gcc-10 could please with the issue. 

    root:/opt/freeware/bin>gcc-10 hello.c
    exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program gcc-10 because of the following errors:
    0509-022 Cannot load module /opt/freeware/lib/libiconv.a(
    0509-150 Dependent module libgcc_s.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
    0509-022 Cannot load module libgcc_s.a(shr.o).
    0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
    0509-022 Cannot load module gcc-10.
    0509-150 Dependent module /opt/freeware/lib/libiconv.a( could not be loaded.


    Diwakar Mishra

  • 2.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 04:48 AM

    Please check whether you have "libgcc-10-2.ppc" rpm installed (not just libgcc10-10.3.0-6.ppc).

    Ayappan P

  • 3.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 05:34 AM

    Hi Ayappan, 

    Please find the below output. libgcc-10-2.ppc is installed. 

    root:/tmp/gcc>rpm -qa | grep -i gcc

    Diwakar Mishra

  • 4.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 06:12 AM

    Please check whether the symlink "/opt/freeware/lib/libgcc_s.a" is proper. 

    In AIX 7.3,
    # ls -l /opt/freeware/lib/libgcc_s.a
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           40 Nov 30 2021  /opt/freeware/lib/libgcc_s.a -> gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.3.0.0/10/libgcc_s.a
     In AIX 7.2,
    # ls -l /opt/freeware/lib/libgcc_s.a
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           40 Jan 04 07:36 /opt/freeware/lib/libgcc_s.a -> gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.2.0.0/10/libgcc_s.a

    Ayappan P

  • 5.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 07:51 AM

    Hi Ayappan, 

    Please find the below the output. 

    root:/root>ls -l /opt/freeware/lib/libgcc_s.a
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system           40 Jan 03 16:31 /opt/freeware/lib/libgcc_s.a -> gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.1.0.0/10/libgcc_s.a

    root:/root>oslevel -s

    Diwakar Mishra

  • 6.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 08:06 AM

    Looks like the machine was migrated from AIX 7.1 to AIX 7.2. One has to reinstall the gcc, libgcc rpms after OS migration which is not done here I guess ( atleast for libgcc-10-2.ppc)
    Please check this blog 

    Ayappan P

  • 7.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 08:17 AM

    Hi Ayappan, 

    I have reinstalled but still getting the same eror. Could you please suggest the what need to be check please. 

    Diwakar Mishra

  • 8.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 08:40 AM

    Are you using dnf ? or manually installing packages ? If using dnf, then follow steps in the above blog. If not , get the gcc/libgcc rpms from AIX 7.2 repo ( and reinstall it. 

    Ayappan P

  • 9.  RE: issue with Gcc10

    Posted Tue January 09, 2024 03:59 AM


    we see the same problem with the /opt/freeware/ binaries or libraries, even with the latest RPMs installed. I think it would be a good idea if IBM would drop the libiconv package entirely from toolbox and adjust the other toolbox packages so that they will be able to use the system iconv library. The system iconv vs. libiconv issues on AIX have a long story as far as I can tell from by personal experience. Having two libraries with the exactly same name in different locations is just asking for trouble. You can't really get this working for every setup reliably.


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