Originally posted by: james.francione@phci.org
We installed the "AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications" perl-5.28.1-1 rpm package on our AIX 7.1 TL4 SP5 LPAR along with all of its other required rpm packages.
Based on the perl modules that were installed with this perl-5.28.1-1 rpm package we still have to install the perl modules shown below which we've downloaded from the "https://metacpan.org/" website. These are needed for the TLSv1.2 REST API call our application needs to make.
The contents of this perl-5.28.1-1 rpm package were installed in "/opt/freeware" on our AIX LPAR which is what we expected.
Here are the two issues that we are running into so far.
So far we've installed the "JSON-4.02, URI-76, and Net-HTTP-6.19" CPAN perl modules on our AIX LPAR. It appears that the "make install" command is installing these perl modules in a directory called "/var/opt/freeware/tmp/perl-root/opt/freeware" instead of the directory of "/opt/freeware". I'm assuming that this is some sort of bug? How do we get our perl-5.28.1-1 install to recognize these newly installed perl modules?
We are trying to install the perl module "Net-SSLeay-1.88" but are getting the error shown below on the "make" command. It appears that it is looking for the file "/usr/vac/bin/xlc_r" which does not exist on our AIX LPAR. In Googling this it looks like we might have a "C Compiler" issue? How do we get this resolved? Listed below are the "xl" Compiler filesets currently installed on this AIX LPAR.
# make
cp lib/Net/SSLeay/Handle.pm blib/lib/Net/SSLeay/Handle.pm
cp lib/Net/SSLeay.pm blib/lib/Net/SSLeay.pm
AutoSplitting blib/lib/Net/SSLeay.pm (blib/lib/auto/Net/SSLeay)
blib/lib/Net/SSLeay.pm: some names are not unique when truncated to 8 characters
directory blib/lib/auto/Net/SSLeay:
do_https3.al, do_https2.al, do_https4.al, do_https.al truncate to do_https
do_httpx3.al, do_httpx2.al, do_httpx4.al truncate to do_httpx
get_https.al, get_https3.al, get_https4.al, get_http.al, get_http3.al, get_htt
p4.al, get_httpx.al, get_httpx3.al, get_httpx4.al truncate to get_http
head_https.al, head_https3.al, head_https4.al, head_http.al, head_http3.al, he
ad_http4.al, head_httpx.al, head_httpx3.al, head_httpx4.al truncate to head_htt
post_https.al, post_https3.al, post_https4.al, post_http.al, post_http3.al, po
st_http4.al, post_httpx.al, post_httpx3.al, post_httpx4.al truncate to post_htt
put_https.al, put_https3.al, put_https4.al, put_http.al, put_http3.al, put_htt
p4.al, put_httpx.al, put_httpx3.al, put_httpx4.al truncate to put_http
ssl_read_all.al, ssl_read_until.al, ssl_read_CRLF.al truncate to ssl_read
ssl_write_all.al, ssl_write_CRLF.al truncate to ssl_writ
tcp_read_all.al, tcp_read_until.al, tcp_read_CRLF.al truncate to tcp_read
tcp_write_all.al, tcp_write_CRLF.al truncate to tcp_writ
cp lib/Net/SSLeay.pod blib/lib/Net/SSLeay.pod
Running Mkbootstrap for SSLeay ()
chmod 644 "SSLeay.bs"
"/opt/freeware/bin/perl" -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 'cp_nonempty' -- SS
Leay.bs blib/arch/auto/Net/SSLeay/SSLeay.bs 644
"/opt/freeware/bin/perl" "/opt/freeware/lib/perl5/5.28.1/ExtUtils/xsubpp
" -typemap '/opt/freeware/lib/perl5/5.28.1/ExtUtils/typemap' -typemap '/usr/sys
/inst.images/perl_modules/Net-SSLeay-1.88/typemap' SSLeay.xs > SSLeay.xsc
mv SSLeay.xsc SSLeay.c
/usr/vac/bin/xlc_r -q32 -D_LARGE_FILES -q32 -c -I"/usr/include" -D_ALL
_SOURCE -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE -D_POSIX_SOURCE -qmaxmem=-1 -qnoansialias -qlanglvl=ext
=\"1.88\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.88\" "-I/opt/freeware/lib/perl5/5.28.1/ppc-aix-thre
ad-multi/CORE" SSLeay.c
/bin/sh: /usr/vac/bin/xlc_r: not found.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 127.
Listed below are the "xl" Compilers that we have on this AIX LPAR.
# lslpp -L |grep -i xl
xlC.aix61.rte C F IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX 6.1
xlC.cpp C F C for AIX Preprocessor
xlC.msg.en_US.cpp C F C for AIX Preprocessor
xlC.msg.en_US.rte C F IBM XL C++ Runtime
xlC.rte C F IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX
xlC.sup.aix50.rte C F XL C/C++ Runtime for AIX 5.2