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  • 1.  DNF Installation

    Posted Wed February 28, 2024 12:05 AM

    Hi Team,

    I have installed dnf in my AIX 7.3 VM.But when i am using dnf command,I am getting the following error.

    ksh: dnf: not found.

    Can anyone please provide the detailed steps to setup dnf on AIX 7.2 and AIX 7.3



    Subba Reddy Reddem

  • 2.  RE: DNF Installation

    Posted Wed February 28, 2024 07:46 AM
    It lives in /opt/freeware/bin
    You have a couple options
    1) add that to your path
    2) sym link it from a directory already in your path, such as /usr/bin
    3) fully qualify the path on the command-line


  • 3.  RE: DNF Installation

    Posted Sun March 03, 2024 09:53 PM

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your reply.

    It is already linked in the /opt/freeware/bin path.

    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     system            5 Oct 20 10:29 dnf -> dnf-3
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system         2022 Jun 29 2023  dnf-3

    Can you please mention the how to execute steps 2 and 3 with the exact commands. 

    Subba Reddy Reddem

  • 4.  RE: DNF Installation

    Posted Sun March 03, 2024 11:37 PM
    for #2, find the directories already in yiour path
    Cmd:   echo $PATH
    my recommendation:   ln -s /opt/freeware/bin/dnf   /usr/bin/dnf

    #3 just means to use the full path to point to it:

    # /opt/freeware/bin/dnf  YOur parms..
    such as:   /opt/freeware/bin/dnf update
