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  • 1.  Client Access Solutions Install Issue

    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 11:03 AM
    Edited by James Carver Mon February 12, 2024 11:19 AM

    I am pretty sure I may have posted this in the wrong area, if so, please delete. I have created one in the correct area. Apologies.

    We were using a prior version of IBMi client access solutions from 2022, and we started having issues where users could not open their sessions. I tried to install the newest version of the software version or even the older version, but it gives the same message. I have tried to uninstall delete all IBM folders and files, tried to re-install, run different installers (all users 64 or just user 64), updating windows and the drivers, but it keeps failing with the message below showing up. Just some info, we upgraded to MS Office 365 and updated windows. I have had this happen on other computers, but this is the first one that uninstalling and re-installing didn't fix.Thank you for any insight.

    James Carver

  • 2.  RE: Client Access Solutions Install Issue
    Best Answer

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 03:14 AM

    Hi James, first of all can you post the install_acs_log.txt where we can find more info about installation problem? 

    "Install scripts do is create an install log called "install_acs_log.txt".  

    By default this log file will be created in the user's folder  (C:\Users\<currentwindowsuser>\IBM\install_acs_log.txt).  

    If that location is not accessible then the install log will be attempted to be written to an alternate location.  

    Here is where those are:

        Current user install  -  (Windows %temp% folder)
        All users install  -  (C:\Users\Public\IBM)

    i used to install the IBM OpenJDK Java suggested for ACS IBMi products and is working fine as java VM.


    Have a good day. 

    Luca Maurizio Verzicco

  • 3.  RE: Client Access Solutions Install Issue

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 09:23 AM
      |   view attached

    I am running the 64bit version of Java; whatever the latest and greatest is. I can try the development version. I am just concerned that we have had several systems have similar issues, but they would uninstall and re-install. This has me scratching my head.

    James Carver


    install_acs_log.txt   6 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Client Access Solutions Install Issue

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 01:33 PM

    I went to this website: https://developer.ibm.com/languages/java/semeru-runtimes/downloads/ and found version and downloaded the windows JRE version. I uninstalled the current Java from the pc, then ran the JRE file. Once I did that, I was able to run the installer, however it asked for Java 64bit to be installed. Once I did that I was able to run the ACS as normal. Thank you for your help. I had a lot of steps I already took trying to get here, but I am thankful for all the suggestions.

    James Carver

  • 5.  RE: Client Access Solutions Install Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 09:23 AM

    It's good to know that you solved the problem.

    Have a good day. 

    Luca Maurizio Verzicco