Originally posted by: FF1352
Yes i think you can do this by using preprocessor features
you can define your different formats in preprocessor variables like this"
%dcl (format1, format2,format3) char;
%format1 = '(a(5),x(2),2 f(8),x(1),a(20))' ;
%format2 = '(f(3),f(12))' ;
%format3 = '(f(7,2),a(5),x(1),f(6))';
and then later in your program do like this:
put skip edit(str1,ix1,ix2,str2) format1 ;
put skip edit(ix3,ix4) format2 ;
put skip edit(flt1,str3,ix4) format3 ;
and when you compile your program you can see in your Listing that format1,2,3 is changed with that formats that you define with
preprocessor variables.
and you can write all your favourite formats in a file and add this file in a Maclib with a name for example "formats" and then
use this in your program
%include formats;
i hope this be usefull for you