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  • 1.  Can I get an overview of 5770BR2?

    Posted Fri January 17, 2025 10:08 AM

    I am trying to provide an overview of 5770-BR2 to my coworkers.

    I do not need to give them any information about subscription pricing, etc.  All that is above their paygrade.

    I tried here:

    But that

    1 - Does not provide a link for "You can find the latest information about BRMS on the BRMS website"

    2 - Makes no mention of BR2 and seems solely geared for BR1.

    I tried following the threads on this community but no overview was there.

    I tried the BRMS wiki at whatever the name of the day is for the company supporting BRMS but that wiki is by date of entry and not by any related subject.

    Robert Berendt IBMChampion
    Business Systems Analyst, Lead
    Fort Wayne

  • 2.  RE: Can I get an overview of 5770BR2?

    Posted Fri January 17, 2025 11:42 AM

    Robert  - here's a web page that may help.

    Overall - BR2 is the same as BR1 but with the long awaited GUI that was dropped with the new 'inav'. There are additional features/enhancements in BR2 that is not in BR1 but that's just because (in my opinion) IBM is forcing people to BR2

    The BRMS Products and Licensing - IBM Partnership -

    Rich Malloy

  • 3.  RE: Can I get an overview of 5770BR2?

    Posted Fri January 17, 2025 01:10 PM


    Keep forgetting to check that far right column.

    Thank you.  This will do.  For the crowd I'm targeting I'm not seeing anything earth shaking for them.

    Robert Berendt IBMChampion
    Business Systems Analyst, Lead
    Fort Wayne