IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for IBM i continues to evolve, featuring strategic integrations with the IBM Power Virtual Server offering. Previously, PowerHA for i was available in Power Virtual Server when utilizing storage agnostic technologies such as Geographic Mirroring. While Geographic Mirroring, including multi-target Geographic Mirroring continues to provide solutions for both cloud and Hybrid-Cloud environments, these new integrations provide additional capabilities and options within IBM Power Virtual Server.
With this enhancement, PowerHA has introduced support for integrating IASP-based replication and switching technologies to Power Virtual Server including Global Replication Services (GRS) for IASPs.
The integration with GRS enables PowerHA management of SAN-based replication in Power Virtual Server. GRS provides asynchronous replication between two data centers in Power Virtual Server. This provides a similar management experience to Global Mirror technologies used in on-premise environments.
For additional information on this integration see Configuring PowerHA with IBM Power Virtual Server.
Brian Nordland
Director of Development at Fortra