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    RE: Rsync

    Hello The following should help REFERENCES: The AIX Toolbox team recommends using DNF to install and manage Open Source software packages and dependencies --> Visit Get Started to learn more about DNF and the install ...

  • Hello Team on some of our AIX LPARs dnf with any subcommand isn't working anymore, probabably since the update to 7200-05-07-2346, but I'm not sure. A short search didn't help about this. root@aixhost: /tmp # dnf repolist Traceback (most recent ...

  • on AIX7.2 box I am trying to upgrade gettext from 0.19 to 0.22. repo seems ok but I get -nothing provides libgomp >= 8.3.0 needed by gettext. rpm -qa |grep libgomp gives: libgomp8-8.3.0-6.ppc AIX toolbox has many libgomp - 6 -> 12 and just plain okd ...

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