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POWER DPO / affinity - LPM/SRR - reserving core/mem in case of continuity / DRP

  • 1.  POWER DPO / affinity - LPM/SRR - reserving core/mem in case of continuity / DRP

    Posted Mon November 25, 2024 01:08 AM

    Hello team

    First, I hope this question has not yet been answered before, especially also as I am not Power expert.

    We have 2 big power E980 176c/22TB located in 2 different buildings (11c/socket).

    We are hosting multiple SAP HANA Lpars on those 2 systems under VIOS, and especially 1 very big Lpars 110c/6TB which is very sensitive to core memory affinity also using vnic 100Gb. (Lpar is in dedicated mode)

    We use to start this big lpar first on one of the system to get good best DPO and other lpars start after.

    We are using the second E980 as a DRP/ Continuity frame in case of any problem and we are keeping number of cores and memory  free on it for the big lpar.

    On this frame we also have non-prod SAP HANA lpars running.

    Going to my question now :

    • We would expect when we move (LPM) or restart (SRR) the BIG lpar on the opposite frame to have directly a good DPO score , as cores and memory are available on target.
    • Is there a way to "book" some particular cpu and mem on this second frame to ensure the best DPO in case of LPM or SRR.

    I hope my explanation and question are enough clear.

    Many thanks for your kind support.


    Jean-Francois Noel