C/C++ and Fortran

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Modernize business-critical applications with latest Open XL compilers for AIX 17.1.1 and take full advantage of IBM Power10

By SI YUAN ZHANG posted Fri September 16, 2022 02:20 AM


IBM® XL C/C++ and Fortran compilers completed LLVM adoption and were rebranded to IBM Open XL C/C++ and Fortran compilers in Sep 2021.   As committed to our enterprise clients, we are now continuously refreshing Open XL compilers to bring the latest innovation and technologies of the Open Source LLVM community to the AIX® platform.  We are very excited to announce that IBM Open XL C/C++ and Fortran for AIX 17.1.1 are generally available today, to offer:

  • C++17 support and experimental C++20 features
  • Faster build time: for example,  compared with 17.1.0,  Open XL for AIX 17.1.1 demonstrates an overall 25% build speedup at -O3 and 42% build speedup at '-O3 + LTO', on SPECInt CPU2017 benchmarks (64-bit mode).
  • Release to release performance improvement: only through Open XL compilers, the strong performance benefits of your latest Power10 server can be taken full advantage of.  Check our latest SPECInt CPU2017 publish on IBM® Power® E1050: https://www.spec.org/cpu2017/results/res2022q3/cpu2017-20220620-32081.html
  • Licensing track: IBM Software License Metric (SLM) Tags logging is enabled so that now you can leverage IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) to track the compiler license usage.
  • Inclusive language: as other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, we have been updating Open XL’s documentation, product code, and user interfaces to reflect those changes and will continue putting efforts on improving this.

For more information,  please visit the product page for C/C++ compilerFortran compiler,  and the online documentation of C/C++ compilerFortran compiler.

Download our evaluation package from the product pages today for a 60-day free try-out!

