Banking Modernization

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Hosting Fiserv's Signature Core Banking Solution on IBM Power10

By Jenna Murillo posted Tue December 05, 2023 08:32 PM


Fiserv and IBM continue collaborating on the performance and optimization of its latest technologies to deliver superior solutions to our commercial and retail-focused banking clients. Because of this ongoing collaboration, your organization will be able to introduce new services, deliver value, and meet the evolving demand for the hyper-personalization of customer experiences in banking today and in the future.

Accelerating application modernization can deliver agile and ground-breaking Fiserv services on private or hybrid cloud service deployments.

Signature Modernization on IBM Hybrid Cloud Brochure

Fiserv is working with IBM to provide a flexible roadmap to include Signature® from Fiserv cloud‑native workloads on Red Hat® OpenShift®. These will run natively on IBM’s latest Power10 processor‑based servers, which host the Signature core banking solution. You can expect improved scaling performance and repurpose the integrated hardware and system software security profiles that you are already using in production. This will help reduce the effort and cost involved in modernization, eliminating the need to rip and replace systems to achieve new cloud capabilities.

Accelerating application modernization can deliver agile and ground-breaking services on private or hybrid cloud service deployments. Our test with IBM provides evidence.

Signature Modernization on IBM Hybrid Cloud White Paper

IBM and Fiserv conducted an IBM Garage Laboratory test to evaluate the benefits of running Microservices for Signature and UUI using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, all running on the Power10 IBM i platform.

The objectives were:

·       Show how all elements worked together seamlessly on the same platform

·       Determine the possible throughput on IBM Power

·       Explore how to utilize spare resources on the IBM i for running Microservices workloads

This load was achieved:

·       With the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster load on the Worker nodes at 50% CPU and memory at 30%

·       The IBM i load for the Core was 50% CPU


