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The "Admin Assistant" is here !

By DIVYA K KONOOR posted Wed January 08, 2020 08:28 AM

How about having users in PowerVC who can perform all configurations, setup the environment, perform daily operations but not do anything destructive? Exciting, right?
If so, your wish has been granted! With PowerVC, we have introduced a new role known as the “Admin Assistant”, who has privileges to perform various operations on the infrastructure but without permissions to destroy anything. The motivation behind this new role is the fact that there are lot of environments where workloads MUST remain intact and only few users should have total authority on the environment. While most users (users who do daily deployments) should have enough privileges to setup the workloads; yet, should not have permissions to tamper it. Thus, 'admin assistant' role becomes significant.

“Admin Assistant” role user is the 'best fit' for enterprise environments where long running workloads once setup cannot afford to have any intentional or accidental changes. These workloads are quite critical to be even accidentally deleted by an authorized user. To avoid running into such situations, it is recommended that the user who performs regular operations on the environment is assigned the “Admin Assistant” role instead of the “Admin” role.

"Admin Assistant" role - one of the standard roles, is available as part of both standard and cloud editions of PowerVC. Read details about all other roles of PowerVC at "Manage Roles" page. As with the other roles, this new role can be assigned to any PowerVC user by logging into the PowerVC UI as seen in Figure 1 below:

The following image gives you a snapshot of PowerVC user interface for 'Admin' (with Delete option enabled) and 'Admin Assistant' users.

The table listed below shows at a high level, the behaviour from PowerVC UI for the “Admin Assistant” role. Compared to a user with “Admin” role, a user with “Admin Assistant” role has permissions to create and edit resources, but do not have permissions to delete workloads and resources from PowerVC.

PowerVC has a variety of granular user roles to suite role based access control requirements of different infrastructure environments – the new addition to this list of roles is the role named “Admin Assistant”. Check out the new role from the PowerVC UI to understand if it suits your needs!

If you have any questions about this topic, please comment below. Watch this space for more information about troubleshooting your environment. In the meantime, don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Blog Authors:
Divya K Konoor
Archana M Prabhakar
Sri Ram Pisupati
1 comment



Wed February 05, 2020 04:59 AM

Thanks for Great article!