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What is the main difference between the COBOL for AIX, V5.1 "Runtime" and prior runtimes?

By Archive User posted Mon July 30, 2018 03:19 PM


Originally posted by: BasilTK

COBOL for AIX users tend to ask what the main difference is between the COBOL for AIX, V5.1 Runtime and prior runtimes. 


The main difference is that starting with COBOL for AIX, V5.1, the runtime is no longer re-distributable with user applications.
More specifically, the runtime in the COBOL for AIX product can only be used in a development environment, on the same machine as the COBOL for AIX compiler. Deployment of COBOL applications in an execution only environment will require the new COBOL Runtime Environment for AIX®, V5.1 product and its license. 


Prior to COBOL for AIX, V5.1, users were allowed to redistribute COBOL for AIX runtime library components with a developed application. 
Users were also allowed to install the components on any number of AIX systems that you use for production deployment of your COBOL application.


Another difference is that, additional runtime optimizations have also been added into the COBOL for AIX, V5.1 Runtime. 

