PL/I for AIX

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Enterprise PL/I for AIX V3.1 documentation refreshed in November

By Archive User posted Fri November 18, 2016 05:45 AM


Originally posted by: XifangZhang

IBM PL/I compiler team dedicates to offer a better support for you. As several new PTFs have been delivered, IBM PL/I compiler has released a new edition of Enterprise PL/I for AIX V3.1 technical docs.


Specifically, new updates including:


Language Reference

As the AIX compiler essentially matches the PL/I V4.4 z/OS compiler, this updated Language Reference book is identical to the PL/I for z/OS V4.4 book. Several new attributes, statements, built-in functions and built-in subroutines have been included, such as the ASSERT statement and the ALLOCATE built-in function, etc. For details, see Summary of changes


Programming Guide

  1. The RULES option now accepts (NO)CONTROLLED as a suboption that controls whether to flag the use of the CONTROLLED attribute.
  2. The RULES option now accepts (NO)LAXNESTED as a suboption that controls whether to flag programs where nested procedures exist between sections of executable code.
  3. The RULES option now accepts (NO)RECURSIVE as a suboption that determines whether to flag any use of the RECURSIVE attribute or any procedure that directly calls itself.
  4. The RULES(NOUNREF) option now accepts SOURCE | ALL as a suboption that determines whether to flag all unreferenced variables.
  5. The RULES(NOGOTO) option now accepts STRICT | LOOSE as a suboption that determines whether to flag any GOTO statement to a label constant.
  6. The STOP suboption has been removed.


Messages and Codes

Since that the AIX compiler essentially matches the PL/I V4.4 z/OS compiler, the new Messages and Codes book is also identical to the PL/I for z/OS V4.4 book.


Along with the PL/I for AIX V3.1 Knowledge Center refresh, the V3.1 PDF files are also refreshed to include the updates above. You can find the latest V3.1 PDF files from the Enterprise PL/I for AIX library page at

Note: Only the English versions are refreshed. The Japanese versions will not be refreshed until the next product GAs.

