C/C++ and Fortran

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POWER8 built-in function vec_bperm

By Archive User posted Wed November 26, 2014 04:33 AM


Originally posted by: TracyR

For vector processing, IBM XL C/C++ for Linux V13.1 supports a new POWER8 built-in function vec_bperm. The vec_bperm can gather up to 16-bit values from a quadword in the specified order and it operates on vectors as 128-bit unsigned integers. The vec_bperm function is valid only when the -qarch option is set to target POWER8™ processors.


The function has the following syntax, where d represents the function returned value; a and b represent the arguments.

d=vec_bperm(a, b)

Result and argument types

The following table describes the types of the returned value and the function arguments.




vector unsigned char

vector unsigned char

vector unsigned char


Result value

The following table describes the function result. For each i (0 <= i < 16), let index denote the byte value of the ith element of the argument b.

Value of index

Function result

index >= 128

bit 48+i of the result is set to 0.

index < 128

bit 48+i of the result is set to the value of the indexth bit of the input a.



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