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Trying out XLF: the Enterprise Sandbox

By Archive User posted Tue May 03, 2011 01:58 PM


Originally posted by: dr.dave

 If you don't already have access to the IBM XL Fortran compiler, you'll no doubt want to try it out. You can either download a free trial version (for AIX or for Linux) and use it for sixty (60) days, or you can try it in our sandbox. The sandbox allows you to access an AIX or Linux system through a Citrix client (for those unfamiliar with it, it's a simulation of a Windows environment accessible over the web - I know it sounds slow, but believe me when I say you won't really notice any performance degradation). You won't then need to download the compiler, and you can try out some of the other trials we have, like RDp, Web 2.0 and SOA applications, the C/C++ compiler, Cobol, and others.

On the sandbox page, you will find links to several "scripted, hands on exercises" (under the heading "Optimize server performance and programmer productivity with IBM compilers"). They're a little hard to find in all the clutter, so here's a list of them, with a brief description of each:
David Forster
IBM XL Fortran Validation Team Member
