What transforms can I use to modify data in a database

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Mon June 01, 2020 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Alex Wood | Feb 13 2014 

In WebSphere Message Broker v8 and IBM Integration Bus v9, you can set database tables as additional outputs of a message map. In the Graphical Data Mapping editor, you can use any of the following transforms to modify data in a database:

  • Insert transform: You use the Insert transform to add one new row of data, or multiple rows of data, into a database table.
  • Update transform: You use the Update transform to modify a row of data, or multiple rows of data, in a database table.
  • Delete transform: You use the Delete transform to delete a row of data, or multiple rows of data, in a database table.
  • Database routine transform: You use a database routine transform to call a stored procedure or user-defined function from a database to insert, delete, or update data in one database table.
Note: Only IBM DB2 stored procedures are supported in IBM Integration Bus .

To be able to use these transforms at design time, you must have a database definition file (.dbm file) in an available Data Design project for each database that you want to access. A data definition file contains one connection per database system.

To run a message map that modifies data in a database, you must have a JDBC connection of Type 4 defined for each database that your message map uses. You must configure a JDBCProvider configurable service per database. The JDBCProvider service name for a runtime database must be the same name as the development database name that you use during the design phase in your message map.