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Using IBM App Connect to interact with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

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Fri July 31, 2020 06:25 AM

Microsoft® Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations) connects finances, sales, purchases, inventory management, and project management. It enables businesses to reduce the effort of time consuming tasks by improving the accuracy of cash flow management. Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations helps businesses boost productivity and maximize their profits.

Using Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations with App Connect

You can use App Connect to perform actions on the following operations:

  • Employees
  • Vendors
  • Customers
  • Projects
  • Operations
  • Prospects
  • User groups
  • Applicants
  • Sales agreements

To use App Connect to integrate Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations with other applications, you need to connect App Connect to your Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations account. To do that, you’ll need to ensure that your Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations instance has been registered in Microsoft Azure Active Directory. For more information, see Azure AD Registration. Then, you’ll need to provide the following information:

  • Endpoint URL: Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations base URL in the format, https://< Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations base URL>.
  • User Name: The user name for the Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations account.
  • Password: The password for the Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations account.
  • Tenant ID: The ID of your Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant.
  • Client ID: The application ID assigned to Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations when you registered it with Azure AD.
  • Client Secret: The application secret created in the Azure Portal for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Scenario: Retrieve employees from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and create users in Microsoft Active Directory

To see an example of how to retrieve employees from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations and create a new user in Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD), try out a template. In App Connect, go to the Templates gallery, then search for the template called “Retrieve employees from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and create users in Microsoft Active Directory”.

Figure 1. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations flow

For this scenario, you will run a scheduler-based flow that retrieves employees from Dynamics 365
Finance and Operations. The scheduler runs the flow every day at a specified time to retrieve a maximum of 10 employee records.

Figure 2. Retrieve employees from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Employee data, such as first name and last name, is fetched row by row from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations by using a “For each” node. When the sync is completed successfully, a new user gets created in MSAD.

Figure 3. Configuring the MSAD node to create users retrieved from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

To verify that the sync has completed successfully, details of the newly created user in MSAD can be viewed in your preferred Slack channel.

Figure 4. Configuring the Slack node to post a message in your preferred channel