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Using IBM App Connect to interact with IBM Weather Company Data

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Tue July 28, 2020 09:09 AM

IBM Weather Company Data leverages weather data from The Weather Company enabling businesses and their customers to make informed decisions and act according to weather forecasts. It can help to decrease business costs, increase profit, improve safety and save lives. It can also help clients to better understand and mitigate the cost of weather disturbances on their businesses.

Using IBM Weather Company Data with App Connect

You can use App Connect to retrieve details on the following objects:
  • Historical Data
  • Forecast
  • Near Locations
  • Locations
  • Location by Point
  • Current Conditions

To use App Connect to integrate IBM Weather Company Data with your other applications, you need to connect App Connect to your IBM Weather Company Data account. To do that, you’ll need to provide the following information:

  • IBM Weather Company Data API key: The API key provided by IBM Weather Company Data.

Scenario: Retrieve orders from Salesforce and notify customers about any weather dependent delays

As an example, consider this scenario: you want to be able to inform your customers when the delivery of an order is going to be delayed due to bad weather conditions. You can use App Connect to retrieve an order from Salesforce, map the shipping address to IBM Weather Company Data to retrieve the forecast, and then, based on the weather conditions, send a delayed order notification to the customer via Domino or another email service.

The following diagram displays how this can be achieved in App Connect. In this scenario, an event-driven flow is created to retrieve the weather conditions from IBM Weather Company Data. The event which triggers the flow is a Scheduler which runs the flow every day on an hourly basis to retrieve orders from Salesforce. The shipping address from the Salesforce order is mapped to IBM Weather Company Data to retrieve the weather forecast of the location. Based on the weather condition, for instance, if snow fall is forecast to be more than the maximum you have specified, a delayed order notification is sent to the customer via Domino.

Figure 1. An event driven flow to retrieve orders from Salesforce and notify customers about any weather dependent delays
