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Top 3 hidden treasures (in IIB administration)

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Tue July 14, 2020 01:15 PM


More hidden treasures? Yes! After all the hints for integration developers, we of course also have some treats for IIB admins
Hopefully you will find them useful. So without further ado, here they are…

You|u limit IIB memory usage on AIX
You might know user limits from the mqconfig command that helps preparing for MQ installations. For IIB the environment variable MQSI_DONT_CHANGE_ULIMIT_DATA is useful in the same context. It was created in WMB v6 and can still be used in IIB v10 today and controls whether IIB automatically changes the ulimit for memory to unlimited. It does not actually matter what value it is set to, as long as it is present. For example:

This can be used for example to ensure that a single integration server does not consume all available memory on the machine and thereby affect other processes. However, the effect of exceeding the configured user limit is that the process is terminated, so handle with care!

Are we using the right SAP password?
For IIB veterans the mqsireportdbparms command might be somewhat of a recent addition even though it has now been in the product for a while. It is the counterpart to the mqsisetdbparms command which lets you configure security credentials for the ever growing list of resources that IIB allows you to integrate with. Not only does mqsireportdbparms provide an easy way to see all the configured security credentials, but it also allows you to test for the correct password.
More specifically, the mqsireportdbparms returns if the password is correct or incorrect, and if the password was changed since the integration node was last started. As always there are more details in the KnowledgeCenter.

Legend of registered HTTP endpoints
Last but certainly not least a brief pointer to the mqsireportproperties command. Of course it shows you the attributes that you configured for the respective HTTP or HTTPS connector, for example the port numbers. However using the -r switch you can also see a list of the URLs which are currently registered and exposed by the deployed message flows in that integration server. Here is an example for using the command:
mqsireportproperties IN_SNOW -e IS_MAN -o HTTPConnector -r
This can be extremely useful as a baseline for troubleshooting when it comes to verifying that a given HTTP based flow is deployed and what port and URL it is actually listening on.

Made it so far and/or even knew all our hidden treasures already? Nice! The first word of each hidden treasure heading seems to point… to you!
Happy Holidays 😉
