SoftwareAG update manager cheat sheet

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Sun December 30, 2018 02:12 AM

This article contains cheat sheet for UpdateManager which will help to override some default behavior of it

By Manoj Jannu, QA Specialist, Software AG


-showAll true

UpdateManager by default lists only the current / latest fix for each product. However, there is an undocumented option that will allow users to see (and install) older fixes as well. 

Usage : SUM must be launched as follows:

UpdateManagerCMD|GUI.bat -showAll true

-showEOM true

This property pertains to product versions which have reached End-of-Maintenance (EOM)

customers who purchase an End-Of-Maintance-Extension license, SUM will show fixes built after the EOM deadline. All SAG employee userIDs see this "extended" (EOME) view by default. The "-showEOM true" option may be useful for GS engineers to know what the EOM (cutoff) fix levels are. To use this option, SUM must be launched as follows:

UpdateManagerCMD|GUI.bat -showEOM true

-action viewInstalledFixes

In CMD mode, you can capture the currently installed fixes for a target installation with the -action viewInstalledFixes option:

UpdateManagerCMD.bat -action viewInstalledFixes -installDir C:\SoftwareAG

SUM Self-Updates

Anytime SUM is run in an "online" mode (ie. "Action = Install fixes from Software AG Empower" or "Action = Create or add fixes to fix image"), as soon as the user is authenticated by Empower, SUM will self-update itself to the latest SUM build.

You can override this default behavior by setting the property selfUpdateMode=OFF in sum.cnf file

In C:\<InstallationDirectory>\UpdateManager\conf\sum.cnf



Wed March 23, 2022 09:15 PM

Thanks @manoj.jannu . It would be nice to add other options like overInstall true. This is useful article.
